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Felix:(evil laugh) You really think you can get away with my money and try to hurt I.N, well you have another thing coming...

Alice: WAIT WE CAN GIVE YOU SOMETHING ELSE or more like someone. Please

Chloe:(door) Hey dad um why are there so many cars outside(gasp)

Chloe's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walk into my house I see my dad and stepmom being held at gunpoint, my father has tears in his eyes and my stepmom glares at me.
The man who was holding my dad and stepmom at gunpoint looks at me and smirked...

Alice: TAKE HER!!!

Chloe: WAIT WHAT!? Dad what's going on!?

Dad: Chloe i-I'm sorry I'm so very sorry

Felix: hmmm she's pretty I'll take her

One of Felix's men grab Chloe but Chloe never goes down without a fight

Chloe: Let go of me!

Felix: Chan! pass the syringe...

Chloe: NO!

Felix: Ok nap time...

Chloe:(Muffled Scream)

Felix: Shhh...

Chloe started to feel really weird but suddenly everything went black

Han take her to the car, I still have some unfinished business to deal with

Alice: What do you want from us!?

Felix: You are a horrible mother(chuckle)


Dad:(Scream)A-ALICE NO NO!!!

Felix: You know I should kill you too but I won't because I'm not that kind of person, or am I (walks away)

*2 hour's later* New York City

Chloe:(groan) ugh what the-(gasp)

Chloe: Where am I!?

Suddenly a strange voice came from the corner of the room

Felix: well you are in New York but don't get too comfortable because you are going to Australia

Chloe: WHAT!? n-NO

Felix: Well you really don't have a choice Babygirl...

[ Lee Felix FF] Mafia's BabygirlWhere stories live. Discover now