Once Salem was sure they were far from view he dropped the bat to his side, "You four okay?" Salem looked at them finally and processed the cuts from knives on them. "Any of you stabbed?"

"No," Jez said, "They seemed to enjoy slices. Maybe they were just too pussy to kill someone."

"Let's get you all to Braxton's real quick so we can make sure you'll be alright," Salem said. "Braxton you wanna carry Adrian?" Adrian mouthed a please to Braxton before Braxton carefully picked him up. Adrian winced some at the movement. Salem swung his bat to rest on his shoulder, "Didn't think you'd actually stab someone Gabe."

"He went to hurt you," Gabe said simply.

Salem smiled and rolled his eyes, "the guy could die you know."


"Man, and I nearly questioned loving you," Salem joked.

Braxton chuckled some, "The shortie is a badass huh?"

"Sure," Gabe said, "I'd call it possessive and not wanting anyone to touch Salem but me. But sure. Let's say badass. No one tell Mike."

"No way dude!" Braxton said, "Micheal is gunna know and so will everyone else. Salem's gunna be so proud he's bragging."

Salem shrugged, "He's cut me up. I figured if I gave him a knife nothing bad would happen."

"Knife play?" Adrian said, distracting himself from the pain in his leg, "Damn you two kinky."

Levi chuckled, "You seem surprised Adrian. Salem's a weird mother fucker."

"Gabe's a weird mother fucker," Jez said before smiling at Gabe. "Not surprised you like knives. Still hate guns?"

Gabe shrugged, "Guns are for cowards."

"This is why I love you Gabe."

"Stop flirting," Seb said, "Serious Jez, quit leading people on."

"You're just jealous I'm flirting with someone besides you or your boyfriend Seb," Jez said.

Gabe rolled his eyes, "We get it you Jezebel."

"Oh, you remember the origin of my nickname," Jez said, "Actually not surprised you do."

Levi paused, "Isn't Jezebel the whore from Babylon?"

"Yep!" Jez said, "I went to the same church as Gabe. Used to be as devout in faith as him. But then I realized how much fun breaking the rules was."

Braxton looked at Levi, "Do you get along with anyone who isn't an anarchist?"

"Nope," Levi said, opening the door to Braxton's house for everyone. "Need an ice pack Adds?"

"Yeah," Adrian said, "And for my boyfriend to have the situation explained before he sees me." Levi walked into the kitchen and made the ice pack while Braxton set Adrian on the couch. "I'll be in my wheelchair tomorrow. Fun. You guys won't see me at all tomorrow."

"I was expecting to not see you today or tomorrow," Braxton said, "You four wanna explain what happened?"

"Well," Seb said, "Jezzy scammed one of them and they hunted down the rest of us."

Levi chuckled some, "No more competitions guys. Someone always gets hurt."

"What competition Levi!" Salem asked.

"Who could make the most money the fastest," Levi said as he handed the ice pack to Adrian. "Jez decided making guys pay to sleep with her and then drugging them was the fastest way to do so."

When Lines Blurजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें