Chapter 11

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Lana sat on her mother's couch for most of the evening, crying and blaming herself for everything. Questions ran through her mind like crazy, she thought it was a joke at first. He couldn't be serious, right? On the wedding day? She thought that everything was perfect. She believed every single one of his "promises" about only loving Lana and wanting her for the rest of his life. Lana couldn't handle this, it left her feeling stabbed with holes all over her chest.

The pain ached in her chest. It didn't feel real to her at all. Lana sat beside her, consoling her and assuring her that she never did anything wrong to him. Everyone remained in shock, at the sudden cancellation of the wedding. Lana didn't feel real anymore. All it took was that one bullet to strike the most pain she's ever felt.

"I knew he was acting weird, but I always overlooked it. How could he do this to me? How did I not notice how he really felt?" Lana cried.

Earlier that day ●

Lana drove as fast as she could, trying not to go over the speed limit as she was heading towards her house. It was silent in the car, she didn't even put the radio on. Her tears poured out of her eyes like faucets, wetting her shirt as she drove. Once she arrived, and saw that Charles' car wasn't there, she gripped on the steering wheel and cried more, thinking, "Where the fuck did he go?"

She got out of the car, walking up to the house. She put the key in the lock and entered, and scanned the inside. It was eerily silent, and her heart beat fast in her chest. She walked around, knowing that he wasn't here anymore.

She fell on her knees and just cried. The beautiful living room and house that they worked so hard to get, all of the memories they shared inside. It's funny how our minds work, when those memories just pop up now that they're gone forever.

She brought herself to the bedroom, looking around and her heart dropped even further into her stomach.

All of his clothes, shoes, everything was already gone. He grabbed everything he owned, completely removing himself from the home, and left.

Lana sat on the edge of the bed, crying even more. She even started to surprise herself with the amount of tears she had. She thought her eyes would be dried up by now. But they weren't.

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