42| A Little Skin

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"Is that her again?" Abby asked from across my kitchen counter.

I flipped my cell phone over so I couldn't see the screen. "Yes," I sighed. "She agreed to give me space, but she wont stop calling. How does that make sense to her?"

I grabbed my cup of coffee from my Keurig machine and added a little sweetener. After Nathan and I woke up this morning, he went home since I had an early patient at the hospital. I told him I would see him later for our date because I needed some girl time. I was extremely grateful that Abby was able to come over. After everything that happened over the past couple days, I could really use some girl talk.

"I'm sorry, Karma. I'm sure she just feels guilty and wants to apologize."

"I know she does," I replied. "But I'm not ready to hear it." I brushed my hair back. "I can't stop thinking about how different my life would have been if she hadn't told Nathan to leave me. I know I shouldn't because it's in the past, but it keeps replaying in my head."

Abby was quiet for a moment before she asked, "So, you and the Army God are officially back together?"

"Abby!" I felt the color fill my cheeks. "Don't call him that." I laughed and shook my head. "Yes, we're back together. We agreed to take it slow, though."

"Slow?" Abby's expression said I was losing my mind. "Honey, I get that you're a little nervous about getting back together with Nate-especially after what happened, but you need this. I've seen the two of you and there is no mistaking that you belong together."

"True," I laughed, "but we wanna do it right. We're going out to dinner tonight."

Abby slapped her hand down on the counter. "You know what this means!"

I stared at her blankly. "Um, no, I don't."

Hopefully it meant going out for margaritas, because I was extremely nervous about tonight. Even though Nathan and I had quite the history, this still felt like a real first date. Besides, when I thought about it, it's been nine years since I went out on a date with anyone. Great, now I was even more nervous.

Abby came around the corner with an 'I'm up to something' look. "We're going shopping!"


"Yes!" She exclaimed. "You need a new outfit for tonight."

I hated shopping. "I have plenty if outfits," I groaned even though I knew she was right. It's been longer than I cared to think about since I last went shopping.

Abby handed me my purse and dragged me towards the front door. "You need something new. And, most importantly," she winked at me, "lingerie."

"Hmmm." That piqued my interest. Nathan did love when I wore sexy lingerie. He always told me one of his favorite things was getting me out of them. "Okay, but we need reinforcements."


I pulled out my cell and pressed two on my speed dial. Abby arched a questioning brow as I waited for an answer.


"Hey, Lane," I said with a smile that Abby mirrored. "We're having a girl's day. Can you pick up Harper and meet Abby and I?"

"Sure, I'll leave little Nate with the boys," Lanie answered. "Where should we meet you?"

"Its a surprise. I'll text you the address."

"Got it."

I hung up the phone and walked with Abby to my car. "Here we go!"

 "Here we go!"

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Karma - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 3Where stories live. Discover now