15| Timing Is Everything

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"How is he?" 

I sat on the lounge chair by Karma's parents' pool while I was on the phone with Lanie. Mrs. M left an hour ago to go back to the hospital. Karma texted me to let me know that she was on her way back with food. To be honest, I was glad that I had a little time to myself. After the little trip down memory lane with Karma's mom, my brain was a little scattered. 

It took a lot for me to put that decision I made twelve years ago behind me. It was my biggest regret, and I never talked about it. Of course I never told Karma what her mother did. I knew Karma and she would never have forgivien her mom. And if I had told Lanie, then she would have told Karma; there was no doubt about it. 

"He's doing better. Karma said he hasn't woken up yet, but he should be very soon. How's everything over there? Ayden still behaving himself?"

"Of course he is," she snorted. "Little Nate is sleeping in his crib right now, too. I swear he's getting bigger by the day." 

"That's good. I miss him." 

"Um, what about me?" 

I chuckled. "Nah, I just miss little Nate."


"Fine," I sighed, "I miss you, too, little sis." I kept my eyes on the water. "How are you doing, L?" 

There was a long pause. "I'm okay. I'm feeling better as each day goes on." 

After the car accident she was in, we almost lost both her and the baby. The accident and the surgery caused some lingering pain for Lanie. She was having some trouble walking and sleeping. It was one of the reasons I didn't want to come here. If she didn't have Ayden there with her, I wouldn't have been able to get on the plane. 

"Good. That's good." 

"How's Karma doing?" 

I laid back in the lounge chair and stretched my legs. "She's hanging in there. She pretty strong."

"Nate, it really means a lot to me that you went. I would have gone if I could, but I'm not ready to fly with the baby yet." 

"I know that. You don't have to explain, L. I'm happy that I did this, too."

There was a brief pause. "Really? I half-expected you to be on the first flight home."  

I laughed at that. "You know what? Me too. Especially when I had to see Mrs. M. That woman is something else."

"Ha! Still scared of harmless Minerva Fitzgerald? Come on, brother. You're embarrassing me and yourself." 

I was quiet for a moment. After the conversation with Mrs. M, we didn't talk much after that. We went to the café she spoke of and picked up some food, took it to her place, and ate quietly. I sat on the couch and flipped through channels while she took a shower and got some rest. I also couldn't help but overhear her tearful, yet happy, phone call with Lanie. 

Mrs. M had always loved Lanie. She considered Lanie her second daughter while we were growing up. That meant that if Karma got in trouble, so did Lanie; and vise versa. After the breakup, Lanie felt like she not only lost Karma, but Mrs. M, too. It really hit her hard when our parents died. She considered calling Mrs. M multiple times, but couldn't. So, I did it for her. 

I remembered that phone call so clearly. Mrs. M had been surprised to hear from me and had no idea what had happened to our parents. She broke down when I explained the accident. I gave her Lanie's cell phone number and asked her to call her. I know that they spoke, but I didn't hear what was said. Whatever it was, it seemed to help make Lanie feel a little better.  Even though Mrs. M made me leave Karma behind all those years ago, I didn't hate her. I don't think I could ever hate any of the Fitzgeralds. 

Karma - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora