23| Playing With Fire

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"The doctor told me that you can be discharged on Friday," I said to my dad with a smile.

My dad, the stubborn Hank Fitzgerald, mumbled under his breath. "I should have been out of here already. This is ridiculous! They're holding me hostage."

My mom shook her head and I chuckled. "They aren't holding you hostage. They want to make sure you are going to be healthy once you go home."

"Listen to our daughter, Hank." My mom smiled at me, but it seemed forced. "She knows what she's talking about."

I wanted to ask my mom if there was something I didn't know. She's been acting a little off ever since Nathan passed by. I tried asking Nate if there was some argument that happened between them when he gave her a ride home. It wouldn't surprise me if my mom went all Mama Bear on him for our breakup. But just like the stubborn Minerva Fitzgerald, Nathan Jenkins' lips were sealed.

"Is Nate behaving himself?" my dad asked. It was almost like he knew what I was thinking about.

"Yes, he is." I averted my eyes, not wanting to give anything away. "He's helping get the house cleaned up so it's ready for you when you come home."

My dad's brows rose with surprise. "Oh, wow. Please tell him thank you for me."

"I will, dad."

"When are you flying back to New York?" My mom asked.

"Saturday. That way I have a day to rest before I go back to work on Monday." I looked from my mom to my dad. "Nathan and I are going to make a nice dinner for you Friday. It'll be fun."

My dad's eyes went wide with excitement. "We should have something really delicious. Ask Nate if he can make me the-"

"Oh, no," my mom interrupted and came to stand next to his bed. "You are not eating anything that can lead to you being brought here again. It's going to be heart healthy food for you, mister."

As my parents started bickering over the food, I pulled out my cellphone and texted Nathan.

Me: Hey. What are you up to?

I tapped my finger impatiently while I waited for his reply. After we agreed to this whole 'what happens in Florida stays in Florida' agreement we've been...extremely friendly. After the amazing sex we had in the kitchen, he and I had a late dinner. I remembered the first date recreation that was in the living room and told him I was craving pepperoni and pineapple pizza. After we talked, ate, and laughed, he laid me down beneath him on the blanket and made love to me. Again.

Then we fell asleep next to each other. Well, not really next to each other. I was sprawled out on his chest-like I wanted him as close to me as possible. He wrapped his arm around me and clutched me to his body. It felt so good to be with him again. I mean...not with him. Clearly, this is a friends with benefits thing. But damn-the benefits were amazing. He was beyond talented.

One downside of this was the fact that I knew he was with four other women. He also showed them how talented he was. When we talked a little more about exes, he told me the last girl he was with was almost a year ago. I could tell something big happened, but he didn't want to talk about it.

Nathan used to tell me everything. I would catch him wincing from his bad leg, or having trouble walking. I haven't pressed him about what caused it. Every time I thought about it, I remembered that day in the rehab center...

My fingers were less than an inch away from his leg when I asked, "May I?"

I saw his hands grip the side of the chair before he nodded. I lifted the bottom of his basketball shorts so I could see it better. He squeezed his eyes shut as I examined the long scar that went down his leg. t went from above his knee all the way down to his calf.

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