You dont like the way you look in some dresses but Michael helps etc..

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"How about this one? Does it make my hips look bigger? Or maybe it makes me look like I have big feet?" I ramble on about a dress I tried on.

I've tried on about six dresses so far and I can't seem to find the right one. I always look bad in all of them. I brought my boyfriend, Michael, along with me. But all he says is that they look great. He doesn't see the extra fat I see. He doesn't see what the dress is pointing out to people. I walk back into the dressing room and try on another of the many dresses. I walked out and looked at Michael who was standing now. Before I could criticize the way I looked, he put his hands around my waist and kissed me.

"Don't you dare say another bad thing about yourself. You are absolutely stunning. And I think this dress is perfect." he says and I smile.

I look at myself in the mirror, still not happy with what I see. He frowns at my reaction and he turns me around.

"What do you not like this time?" he asks.

"My thighs look huge and so does my hips." I sigh.

"Hey, look at me. Everyone has insecurities. Everyone has little pieces of themselves that they don't like. Everyone has a little extra 'fat' to them. Don't think you are fat because of it though. Y/N you are unique, and I love your hips and thighs. I love everything about you. Quit doubting yourself." Michael tells me as he spins me around to the mirror.

He had ahold of my hips as he continues to talk. "All of those dresses you tried on were nice, but you tried to hard to cover the things you hate about yourself. But this one, it outlines your curves. It's shorter so you can see your thighs, but also you can see how tall you are. It's not a bad thing. All the other dresses were too big for you, this one fits just right."

"I guess you are right" I finally say adjusting the dress.

Now that I think about what he told me I finally like the dress on me. Yeah it does make my sides look big, but that's just me. Michael made me realize that I should feel beautiful in my own skin. And a lot of people do think the way I think. We all do have certain things we don't like about ourselves, but that's what makes individuality. Just because we think some parts of our body is really noticeable, it might not be to others. Also, they won't be staring or looking at that part of out body if we don't make a deal out of it. We shouldn't be afraid to wear things that show our insecurities. It would just show that we are proud of who we are and how we look.

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