"Evie why," She screamed.

"I need to go back," I whispered.

"Evie, n-no. You just woke up Evie. I need you. I cried every day you slept. You left-you left me all alone. I can't be alone again. I want my big sister."

I felt my eyes drooped down.

"I'm going to die here soon."

"Evie, please! I'm not- a warrior! What did I do Evie? Was I- was I too annoying? Did I talk too much? Why did-did you hurt yourself because of me? What did I do-what-what did I do?"

I didn't have enough energy to answer as my eyes shut for good.

"I-I, I'm going to get you a lot of band-aids, Evie. I just need-I just need to fix the cuts. Please don't go back to sleep."

I felt my body stop moving. I could feel as my heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped filling with air. I was dead. It didn't feel like I thought it would. I wasn't scared. I just felt at peace. All I ever wanted was to be at peace. My soul floated up into the air. My body was visible beneath me as I watched.

I watched as Nova put her colorful princess band-aids all over my body and for once everything was clear. There were no delusions.

I had just killed myself and my little sister was still trying to save me. I had just ruined her entire life.

"I'm-I'm fixing you, Evie. I know you'll wake up soon."

I wouldn't wake up soon.

"You're fine," she sobbed

She put her hand near my mouth.

"You're not breathing. No, Evie, you-you're supposed to be fine. You're- you're supposed to bring me school and to the pool. You s-supposed to scare my boyfriend when I get old. Y-you are supposed to s-see me-see me get married. You're supposed to-to be, my big sister. I need- need you."

Her mouth trembled and I nearly threw-up.

"You're d-dead. Evie, no. Please-please. Ev-Evie."

Nova forced herself into my limp arms. She sobbed as my blood soaked her. I couldn't do this to her. She couldn't go through this.

All I could do was watch as my sister was yanked off of me and my mother and father started to try and save me. I watched as they wept and yelled and tried to patch my wounds. There was nothing they could do.

"She's dead," Nova screamed. " We can't her, mommy. Even princess band-aids didn't save her. She said- said that she needed to go. Evie-Evie wasn't happy-happy here."

My mother sobbed and my father held her in his arms, they knew none of it was a lie.

"She never smiled anymore. She-she didn't hug me the same. And-and you- you guys didn't treat- treat her the same. Evie was so sad mom. I heard her cry at night."


My mother quickly ran out of the room and I heard her call the police. Too bad nobody was to blame for this but them and me.

"Nova," my dad whispered. "What else did she say? Did she say she loved us?"

Nova shook her head, "I think she wanted to die because of me too, daddy. I think she hates me, daddy. I just want her back. Why-why won't she come back?"

Nova sobbed and yelled about me coming back and how I hated her. I could never hate her, but I couldn't tell her I loved her ever again. I was dead. I had done this. I had ruined my family. They did me but I was so messed up I couldn't see it. And I didn't get a second chance.

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