Chapter Six

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"Let's go," I said smiling.

"You're ready to go now? What happened to your scared alone time?" he asked mockingly.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I decided that alone time is overrated and that I'd rather be with you.

He smiled, "Thank goodness. I was starting to get bored over here."

I laughed as we walked to the doors of the restaurant. We had a fairly normal conversation as we walked down the halls. We eventually got to the doors outside. Two large men were guarding them. It didn't seem like we were going to get outside.

Alistair's eyebrows furrowed, "That's odd." 

I looked at him pointedly, "What do you mean? Were they not there before."

"No they weren't," he stated.

"I wonder why they're there now. We were allowed to see the course before tomorrow right?"

It did seem weird that we would be allowed to practice before the test. That wasn't exactly common. Not that I could practice anyway. I still felt like crap. The medicine did help, but my memory was still kind of fuzzy. I really couldn't remember much from the day before.

"Well, we were allowed to see it, but not try it. That's what I heard anyway," Alistair said sounding confused and a bit nervous, "I-I mean I looked earlier."

I heard him mutter something else under his breath, but I couldn't quite catch it. I didn't ask, I decided it wasn't worth it.

We both started walking to the door. Alistair seemed to want to take the lead, so I let him. He seemed like he knew what to say to people anyway. I wasn't the best at that.

Alistair stepped up the door confidently, "Why are these doors being guarded now?"

Well, that was blunt. I guess it was in Alistair to speak his mind though. I wish I was more like that.

The guard cleared his throat, "You guys must have not heard, everybody is at the grieving service. This kid named Bobby killed himself."

My eyes widened in shock. They glossed over no matter how hard I fought myself.

"Bobby Dignowski," Alsiatir asked in confirmation receiving a nod from the guard, "good. Isn't that good Eve?"

I felt almost disgusted by what Alistair said. I could see where he was coming from, but nobody deserves what happened to Bobby. Especially when it was known they were mentally unstable. I couldn't help but hear his last words run through my head. He said they were going to kill him.

I started to walk away from the guards and Alistair followed, "I don't think he killed himself, Al," I said theories running through my head, "He said somebody was going to kill him. The rest of what he said didn't make any sense though."

Alastair's face turned to stone, "What else did he say?"

I was worried about Alistair's change in demeanor. Did he know something he wasn't letting on? I doubt it.

"Um, he said something about you working with The Town for something bad. Isn't that crazy Al? I mean there was something wrong with Bobby, but I still feel bad you know?"

He nodded a frown etched into his face, "Yeah, I get it. But he was insane and a danger to others. What he did is awful, but not for the worse."

"Okay, that's not okay to say, Al. I know that you only say that because he hurt me, but that's wrong to say about another person," I said storming back to my room.

I felt fingers lace around my left wrist and despite my anger, turned around.

"Look, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. There's just more to him and a lot of things that you don't see. He hurt a lot of girls, and I don't mean just hitting them," Alistair looked up at the ceiling, "I-I just want you to be -to be- I just want you to be safe Eve."

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