Chapter Seven

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My body ached as I pulled my body up. I was on the floor for some reason. I wish I wasn't so weird. The alarm just went off signaling us to get up. That also meant it was close to being time for the second test.

Something was nagging at me though, something I'd forgotten. This feeling had been happening more often than not lately. I shook off the feeling and went on with my routine.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my clothing for the day. There was a pair of stretchy pants and an athletic shirt. It looked comfortable like it would be easy to move in. I threw my outfit on and made quick work of tidying my room up.

As I went to make my bed a small piece of paper fell out of the sheets. I picked the paper up and set it on the table beside my bed. Why was my room such a mess this morning? Why couldn't I remember anything from yesterday?

I walked down the stairs to The Restaurant, and hopefully to find Alistair for some answers. I also really wanted to apologize to him. He didn't deserve me ignoring him as I did. He was only trying to protect me. Not to mention I wanted to see him before the test.

Entering the restaurant I saw Alistair almost right away. He was getting his food from the machine, so I made my way over.

"Hey," I said meekly standing next to him.

He sighed flashing me a smile, "Thank goodness. I was going to die if you kept ignoring me."

I giggled before saying, "I'm sorry Al, I shouldn't have done that. I know you said all of that about Bobby because you were trying to protect me. Not that I remember why we were fighting over him in the first place."

He pulled me into a hug, "I'm glad you forgive me. I'd never say anything like that if I knew it would hurt you."

He pulled away and his blue eyes spoke volumes on sincerity. How could anybody stay mad at him? I mean especially if they don't know why they were mad at him in the first place.

"Oh," he exclaimed excitedly, "Let's get our food and sit down. I have something cool to tell you."

I nodded and went to sit down at a surprisingly populated table. I just brushed off his decision to sit with others and typed my info into the machine. This time my meal was the same as the others. I didn't take time to mull over it though. Having to be social required enough thinking as it was.

I walked over to the table that Alistair was sitting at, and sat down next to him. He was talking to a group of guys about the test today. He noticed me and gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't understand why.

"Hey, guys," he stated boldly, "This is Eve. She's really shy so I figured that I'd introduce her to you guys because I know she won't do it herself."

I immediately panicked. The attention was all on me. I completely hated it, but I forced myself to smile politely.

"Hey guys," I said quietly.

The other guys jumped back into their conversation and I looked at Alistair still a bit embarrassed that he put me on public display.

"Oh yeah," Alsiatir exclaimed, "So I wanted to tell you that they added another thing to the test today. They made the announcement earlier, but you weren't here. They didn't tell us what it was, but I thought you'd like to know."

"Thanks, Al," I said, "Can I ask you something that's been bothering me?"

"Of course! You can ask me anything Eve," he said sincerely.

"It's about yesterday. I can't seem to remember much. Like I know we were fighting but I can't remember why. Did I hit my head or something?" I added the last part as a joke but Al didn't laugh.

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