Chapter Twenty Four

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The food was brought out and I was not disappointed. As soon as my eyes landed on the macaroni and cheese I thought I was going to squeal. Then I saw the chocolate covered strawberries. Tonight was going to be fantastic.

"I want to stay here forever," Cade said in awe.

Cade was staring at plates of steak. I was starting to wonder if he liked steak more than he liked me.

"Do you only like meat?" I asked, feigning surprised as I gasped. "Don't tell me you're a cannibal. That might end our relationship."

He rolled his eyes, "I like corn too."

Suddenly, everybody started digging into various foods. I followed their actions and grabbed some turkey. When I eventually had everything I wanted on my plate I turned to Cade. I almost gagged when I saw his plate. He had a giant piece of steak, a pulled pork sandwich, a slice of cheesecake, and the only good thing, macaroni, and cheese.


He turned to me with a confused look, "what?"

I just shook my head. I proceeded to grab the large bowl of corn and scoop it onto his plate. There was no way he was getting away with eating no fruits or vegetables.

"Evelyn," he whined, "I don't want that."

I gave him a look that shut him up immediately. I scooped even more on his plate for complaining.

I passed the bowl to the man next to me and looked back to see Cade's sandwich almost gone. How had he managed to do that? I quickly picked up my fork and began eating before he could inhale my meal too.

"I think the meeting is starting soon," Cade commented, gesturing to the front of the room.

The woman we had talked to twice before was at the head of the room with a man. Judging by their proximity and the rings on their fingers, I guessed that they were married. Leading a community together and still being loving towards each other, what a power couple.

A part of my mind wished that Cade and I could have that. That someday we could have a functional life together. But doubt always crept in and self-doubt and insecurity, made me feel like nobody would truly ever love me. I guess part of it was that nobody had ever truly loved me before and the only person that did is dead.

"Shortie the discussion is starting," Cade said breaking me out of my dark thoughts.

I gave him a small smile.

"Are you okay?"


"I don't buy that for one second, shortie"

"Cade, I don't want to talk about it."

He sighed sounding very frustrated. He shoved his finger through his hair.

"You can tell me, Eve. You killed somebody and I did nothing but support you."

We were starting to draw attention to ourselves. That was the last thing I wanted.

"We can talk later," I said cutting the conversation short.

He clenched his jaw and looked forward, "Fine."

I turned to the front of the room just in time for the woman that talked to us earlier to start speaking. One thing that made me curious about her, was why she didn't tell us her name. I was rather sure she knew ours. Well, if she wasn't going to tell me her name I would just make one up. How about Eliza? Nah. I'll call her Luna.

"Attention," Luna said, catching everybody's glances. "Today we are here to discuss the new inhabitants of our society. They have fled to our wonderful community of Pax from The Town. I do not know much of why they have come here, but I know it is because of dark deeds that have been going on in The Town. I believe all of the people that have come here for shelter are present, correct?"

The ChoosingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora