Chapter Three

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My eyelids felt like they were made of concrete as I tried to pry them open. When I was finally able to force my eyes open I was met with nothing but plain white walls. They weren't just any walls because upon close study you could make out the tally marks countless people had made.  I could even see some I had made over the years accompanied by my initials. This was the punishment room.

Whenever somebody broke a rule, they would come here and face their punishment. Punishments consisted of staying in this room all by yourself with nothing to do until The Town deemed you learned your lesson. Town rules were rather extensive as well. Of course, there was a rule book, but anything a town official considered a crime was treated as one.

A feeling of panic made its way into my chest. The last time I had been here for two weeks. After that I had sworn to myself I'd never break any more rules. So much for that promise.

Just as I was about to get up, the women that addressed us before the mental ability test walked into the room.

Her face was void of emotion when she spoke, "I assume you know why you are here."

"Yes ma'am," I answered quietly, although I was sure she didn't need confirmation.

"So then you also realize that by doing as you have you have broken rules thirteen and six," she stated looking at the clipboard I now realized she had.

I did know for a fact that I had broken rule six. Rule six stated that no violence of any kind should ever be carried out on Townlands. I had certainly broken that rule even though my actions were out of self-defense. I didn't know if that would change anything, so I didn't mention it. But rule thirteen? No, I couldn't have possibly broken that rule because I wasn't the one that started the fight. This woman had to be wrong.

"No," I started. "There is no possible way I broke rule thirteen. Rule thirteen is; Any intentional harm of others will result in severe punishment. But I didn't start the fight ma'am. So with all due respect, you are wrong."

I could see the wheels turning inside of the woman's head. She seemed almost conflicted by what I had said. I was just praying that she believed me.

"Your punishment should be a month in here you know," The woman said walking over to me. "However, I believe that you are telling the truth. I also think there is something you should know. There is something different about you Evelyn Rose Harley. You may notice soon, but I wouldn't advise you to get too curious. The Society is always watching."

A feeling of uncertainty crept through me at those words, they sounded like a threat. It could have been me being dramatic though.

"I would advise you to keep good company," The woman began again. "Alistair should steer you in the... correct direction." The woman studied me for a minute more."Be on your best behavior, dear."

With that, the woman called two large men in. They were both at least a foot taller than me, which intimidated me. The men flanked me and led me towards the door.

We walked out into the seemingly endless hallway, silently.

"We are going to lead you to your room."

I turned to see the man on my right speaking, he had bright orange hair. He was the shorter of the two, but it didn't make him any less scary.

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