Ch. 3

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I'm gonna try something new and have it from a different character's perspective. I've only had it from the reader's point of view so far, so yeah.
Also, there's one word in here that is kind of a bad word.

-Kuma ^-^

Brendon's POV
I found the house [y/n] texted me she lived at.(Sorry if you're a guy reading this. You can change the she's to he's, I guess. Sorry...) The house was painted a cream colour, and had beautiful flowers planted by the front door. I walked along the stone path, admiring the different shades of blues and purples in the hydrangeas that lined the path. I was about to ring the doorbell when my mind started blurting out questions. What if she doesn't like you that way, or stops feeling that way because of today? What if something happens and she doesn't want to speak to you again? What if you accidentally offend her by saying something?
My mind then asked a question that actually made me a bit nervous. What if she has a boyfriend?
I hadn't even thought about that. If she was already in a relationship, she might disregard any feelings she has for me! Dammit Brendon, how did this never cross your mind? how would you even ask her?
I didn't realise that I was standing outside her house for a good two minutes, until she opened her door, pulling me away from my nerve-racking thoughts.
"Hey, I saw you standing out here for a few minutes, bot doing anything. Are you... okay?" It was so cute how her eyebrows would raise when she was even the slightest bit concerned.
"Uh, yeah. I was just.. thinking.." Wow, that didn't sound suspicious at all. Great job, Brendon.
"Um, okay. So where are we going?" There was an awkward tension between us. I could tell [y/n] was trying to cover it, and break the silence.
"It's on Baker street, it's called 'Juniper'. Have you been there before?"
"Nope. It has an interesting name for a club." [Y/n] laughed as she added her comment at the end. She had such a cute laugh. It was infectious, too. I began to laugh a bit as well, as we walked to my car.
Being the gentleman I am, I opened the door for her, and closed it when she was in. After, I got in on the driver's side, and stuck the key in the ignition.
It took barely ten minutes to drive from [y/n]'s house to the club. The lighting in there made her gorgeous [e/c] eyes sparkle. I felt like kissing her. The more I thought about kissing her, the more my brain repeated those questions to me. What if I make a move, and it turns out she's not into me or has a boyfriend?
[Y/n] waved her hand in front of my face. "You're quite the day dreamer." She chuckled to herself before adding, "Do you wanna get something to drink?"
"Oh, sure." I wanted to be as gentlemanly as I could, so I offered to pay while we waked over to where the bar was.
"Thanks, you're so sweet." [y/n] cheerfully smiled. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. She's just so pretty I feel nervous and comfortable at the same time around her. Am I in live with her? 'No shit, Sherlock -_-' my brain butted in. I decided to stop thinking about it and enjoy my time with [y/n].
We walked over to the bar, and ordered our drinks. Once we got them and paid, we found a small both for two. I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I was definitely in love with her. I don't care if she doesn't feel the same, I just want to make the most out of the time I spend with her.
It was kinda awkward with the both of us sipping on our drinks in silence. I was about to ask her if she wanted to dance afterwards, when I saw a very familiar face. It was Sarah. We didn't break up on the best of terms, so I kept my head down hoping she wouldn't see me. I especially didn't want her to see me with [y/n]. Sarah would flip out if see saw me with someone else, even though we weren't together anymore.
My fear became a reality when Sarah and I accidentally made eye contact. I quickly looked away, but she saw me. Crap.
She was walking over to me, but stopped after she saw [y/n]. [Y/n] was sat facing me, so she couldn't see my ex. Sarah sighed angrily and turned around, walking out the door. I breathed out, relieved she didn't come over her, and that [y/n] didn't see her. I almost smiled, this 'date' could actually go smoothly. I wasn't sure if this was a date or not, because 1- [y/n] might have and boyfriend, and 2- I wasn't sure if she was into me at all. We must have been sitting quietly for nearly five minutes, when [y/n] spoke up.
"Do you wanna dance? I mean, I'm a terrible dancer, but it'll be fun." [y/n] blushed slightly.
"Absolutely." I smiled, showing my teeth. I couldn't help but smile around her, especially when she blushes, like she did.
We got up and walked to the dance floor. People have told me that I'm good at dancing, but I'm honestly not sure if I am or not. We just began moving to the rhythm of the song, and gradually went into a dance. I didn't know what she was talking about, that girl has moves. I laughed to myself, looking down. We danced and had a couple of drinks, before we decided to leave. I was about to say something, but she beat me to it.
"I had a really fun night. I hope we can do this again sometime."
I felt s blush creeping onto my cheeks, so I just nodded in agreement to avoid myself blushing more. We walked to my car, and I drove [y/n] home. When we got to her house, there was another car parked in her driveway. I raised my eyebrow, and looked over at [y/n]. She looked terrified,there was fear written all over her face. I didn't know why she would be afraid to go home, so I pulled her in for a hug. She clung onto me, and I asked why she was scared.
"That's my boyfriend's car." My heart sank when I heard what she said.
"Wait. You have a boyfriend?" I asked, sadly.
She nodded. "Yes, but I'm scared of him, Brendon. He hits me. I don't know what to do." We were still hugging, so I held her tighter. I felt her tears on my shirt. How could anyone hurt her? She's perfect in every way!
"If you don't wanna go back, you can stay at my place. I have a guest room, so you won't have to sleep on a couch."
"Thank you, so much. I just don't want him to hurt me anymore. I can't-." I softly shushed her, trying to comfort her. I released her warm embrace, and drove to my house. When we arrived at my place, I looked over at her, and saw her in a peaceful sleep. I didn't want to disturb her, so I got out and carried her bridal style into my house, to the guest room. I went to bed, a bit exhausted. Almost immediately I fell asleep, only to wake up at 3 am to hear [y/n] making noises from her other room. I got up, and knocked on the door of the room I put her in. I didn't get a response, so I slowly opened the door, to see she was having a nightmare. I tiptoed in the room, and sat down, pulling her next to me. I tried to wake her, but I guess she's a heavy sleeper. After a while, she calmed down, still in her deep slumber. I stayed next to her, until I eventually fell asleep with [y/n] still in my arms.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope it's not too short. I have the lead role in a play and today was opening night, so I've been busy. Plus, I had three essays to write ;-;.
Anyway, I'll try to upload a new chapter my Monday. The play I'm in is performing the whole weekend and Monday. So, please don't get mad if there isn't a new chapter Monday.
Thank you so, so much for all the reads. I appreciate it a lot, and love all you guys!

-Kuma ^-^

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