Ch. 2

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There will be some language and a bit of violence in this chapter. Just wanted to let ya know. Also, [f/d] is favourite drink, [e/c] is eye colour, [f/c] is favourite colour, and [f/y] is favourite youtuber (sorry if you don't watch youtube).

-Kuma ^-^

Reader's POV
I arrived at my house half an hour late. "J-Jonas, I'm here."
"What the hell took you so long." He yelled.
Oh no, this is what I was worried about. Jonas was extremely angry. "I-I'm sorry. There was terrible traffic, and I spilled hot coffee on me before driving over here, and-" Jonas interrupted me before I could finish.
"Get the fuck over hear." I obeyed, hoping he wouldn't hurt me.
"I'm so, so sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." He got up from the couch, and walked up to me.
"I forgive you." I looked up, happy I didn't get hit this time. "But, you're never gonna learn unless you get punished."
Jonas pushed me against the wall, and slapped me. My eyes widened, and I saw a look of pleasure on Jonas's face. He enjoyed hitting me. Why would anyone feel good from causing another person pain?! I shut my eyes tight, and thought about Brendon, and how kind he was. He was so polite and even gave me his drink! Memories came back to me of when Jonas and I first met and started dating. He was so sweet back then. Did he change, or was he always this way? Maybe Brendon is just nice on the surface, too. Well, Brendon probably doesn't hit girls until they have bruises on top of bruises, but still... The feeling of a cold liquid on my cheek brought me back to reality, and Jonas stopped hitting me. He usually stopped after I start bleeding. So it's a pretty good guess that the liquid on my face was blood. I felt another liquid on my face, but it wasn't blood. Was I crying? I know I was just beaten until I bled, but I was used to the pain. Jonas noticed my tears, as well.
"Are you crying?" He squatted down and put his hand under my chin, lifting my face, "Haven't I told you before how I don't like crying? I told you, you're never gonna learn unless you're punished. It seems I haven't done that enough." Jonas got up, and kicked me hard in the stomach. "Now, get your ass up and grab me a beer... Unless, you haven't been punished enough." I immediately shot up and speed walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see no beer.
"H-honey, we're out of b-beer."
"Than go buy more! And if you're gone for more than fifteen minutes, you're getting another beating. You hear me!"
"Y-yes sir." I would gladly leave him... If only I could leave him for good.
I sighed and drove off to get the jackass his beer. I was suppressing tears thinking about my stupid abusive relationship, when I got a text.
I didn't recognise the number, but the text read "Hey [y/n], it's Brendon, from the coffee shop." I didn't reply until I reached a long red light.
"Hey, what's up!" I'm thankful to at least have Brendon in my life, even if we barely know each other.
"Nothing much. Hanging out with Patrick and Pete. Wby?"
"Going to the store. Do you mean Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy???"
"Yeah. Do you wanna meet them?" When I read his text I almost flipped out. Meeting Brendon already made my life a million times better, but also meeting Patrick and Pete in the same day would make me die from happiness. The light turned green before I could respond and I remembered why I was driving. I had to get beer and be back in under fifteen minutes.
I parked in front of the store and reluctantly texted back "Sorry, can't. Next time though". I put away my phone and rushed into the store to avoid another beating from Jonas. I found the gross, cheap beer he liked, and checked out. Luckily, there was a self checkout line, so I didn't have to wait.
Brendon replied when I was walking over to my car. ":( okay. You doing anything Friday?"
Today was Wednesday and I currently had nothing going on, but I might be with Jonas on Friday. I could find a way to leave though, I've done it twice before. "Nope. Why?"
"Do you wanna get coffee or something with me then?"
I let out an excited squeal. "Yeah, what time?" I'm glad we were texting because than he would have seen me made a doofus out of myself when we asked.
"6? 7? I'm free pretty much the whole day, so any time works."
I didn't have a busy schedule either, so I was almost always free. "6 works. Where are we gonna meet up at?"
"Same coffee place. We'll probably walk around afterwords so bring a jacket."
"Okay, see ya Friday :)" I sent the text and walked into my house. I had only been gone nine minutes. "I'm back. Do you want a beer now or after it's refrigerated? They're kinda cold."
"I'll have one now. Put the rest in the fridge." I took one of the cool drinks out of the pack, and put the rest in the fridge. When I walked over to Jonas, he took the beer and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Sit with me, babe." Smirking, he pulled me next to him on the couch. My couch was comfortable and warm from him sitting for awhile. We were watching a basketball game, not that I care much for sports, when I heard my phone buzz. "Did you just get a text? Who the fuck would be texting you?!" Great, he's mad again. I had to think quick and make up a believable excuse.
"It was just a notification. I got an email."
He didn't seem too satisfied with my response. "Who'd you get an email from?"
"..Hot Topic." If Jonas knew me at all he would believe that, and he did.
The rest of the day went by quicker. We watched tv, ate dinner, I took a shower, and we both went to bed. Now, I just had to get through tomorrow. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep the best. It didn't help that Jonas and I sleep in the same bed. If I were to accidentally wake him up, he would be pissed. Thankfully, I was quiet when I woke up. At least it was only a dream. Well, it was a sort of a nightmare.
~[y/n]'s nightmare~
Brendon and I met up at the coffee shop at 6, like we planned to. We went in and ordered our drinks. Like we did when we first met, we both ordered a [f/d]. We talked for a bit, then went to sit down. When we sat down, his chocolate brown eyes met my [e/c] eyes. We started slowly leaning in, like we were gonna kiss. But, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone. It was Jonas. He walked over, and pulled out a knife. He was standing behind Brendon, who didn't see him. Jonas was furious to see me with another guy. He gripped the knife tighter, and stabbed Brendon multiple times in the back.
~end of [y/n]'s nightmare~
Even though I knew it was a dream, I was still scared and horrified. Why would my brain imagine something that graphic and realistic looking?!
I got some water and went on my laptop to take my mind off it. I watched a couple of [f/y]'s videos and checked the time. It was 4:06 am. How much sleep did I get? Hopefully I won't have bags under my eyes today. I could still get a couple more hours of sleep. After all, I didn't have to show up at work until 8 am.
I decided it would be best to go back to bed, and woke back up at 7:10 am. I took a quick shower, get dressed, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth with 15 minutes to spare. "Might as well get to work a bit early." I said out loud to myself. I picked up my keys, and drove to work.
It was an easy day today. I just had to test the headphones that I designed, and fix some stuff with them. My boss congratulated me and said my headphones would be shipped out in stored and on amazon in two weeks. ~time skip~
"Jonas, I'm home. Whatcha up to?" He didn't respond. Was this the day he was going to his parents' for his Mom's birthday? I felt too lazy to check, and plopped down onto the couch. "Ugh, why does the remote have to be so far away!" I whined, elongating the last 'ay' sound. I heard a muffled buzzing from my messenger bag . I assumed it was a text and didn't get it. It kept buzzing and I noticed it was actually a call. I sprang up and got my phone out of my [f/c] bag. "Damn, I missed a call from Brendon." I called him back, and he answered.
"Hey, [y/n]."
"Hey, Brendon. What's up?"
"Nothin'. I'm really bored and don't have anything to do, so I figured I would call you."
"Haha, okay. I just got back from work, so I'm not doing anything either."
Brendon paused for a moment before talking. "Uh, I know we're hanging out tomorrow. But, do you wanna hang out today, too. I know a nice place where we could grab a couple drinks."
"Sounds good. Where is it?"
"Well, why don't I pick you up instead?"
"Okay, I'll text you my address. See you in a bit." We both said 'bye', and I texted him where I lived. He arrived twenty minutes later, and we went to the club Brendon told me about.
I think this was longer... I don't know. Feel free to tell me if you want them to be longer or if you have any suggestions! I'm still worried that this is terrible.. Anyways, bye for now!

-Kuma ^-^

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