Ch. 6

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Brendon's POV
[y/n] was standing there smiling, and I couldn't help but kiss her. It felt so right, and I didn't want it to end. Unfortunately, she lightly pushed me back so she could breathe. "Brendon. I-I" [y/n] was clearly at a loss for words. I rested my forehead against hers.
"Let's get back home." I shut the trunk and got in my car. "It's only 1. What do you wanna do today?"
"Well... I haven't met any of your friends yet." [y/n] was trying to keep a straight face, but I saw her smile slightly.
"Okay. Who do you wanna meet?" I expected her to pause for a moment. But she immediately responded.
"Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, and Dallon Weekes." [y/n]'s excitement made me laugh.
"Sure. I'll text 'em. I'll tell them to come over to our place around 3" I sent them a message and started driving back home, waiting for each of them to respond. We were about 5 minutes into the drive when I got a text.
"Who's it from? Can they come over?"
"Relax. Let me check." I looked down at my phone and opened my messages. "It's from Dallon. He said he could come over. Breezy might be able to go, but they would need to get a babysitter for Knox and Amelie, so she might not come." Just as I finished reading the message out loud to [y/n], I got another message. "Pete can go, too. Patrick usually takes a while to respond, so he'll probably reply by the time we get home."
"Cool!" The rest of the ride was mainly silent, but [y/n] was grinning the entire time. When we arrived home, [y/n] ran inside (I gave her a key). "Ugh, we need to clean this place!"
"The guys have been over here many times. They know that I'm not the neatest person." I replied, laughing.
"Yeah, but this is the first time they're meeting me. I wanna give a good first impression." I gently put my arms around her.
"Fine. We can clean up a bit. But, I know they'll love you." [y/n] lightly blushed and started stacking the dishes that were in the living room. We both cleaned up the room for about 10 minutes when I got my phone started ringing. I walked over to the kitchen counter, and picked up my phone. "Hello?"
"Hey Brendon, it's Patrick."
"Oh, hey Patrick. What's up?"
"Not much, just callin' to tell you I can come over at 3. Declan is sick, so Elisa is staying home with him."
"That's fine. Are you sure you don't wanna stay with Declan?"
"Nah. Elisa says I've been working too much and I should hang out with friends."
"Okay, cool. I'll see you 'round 3. Bye."
"Bye." I ended the call and walked back to the living room. It was a lot cleaner than it's been in a long time. I guess [y/n] was determined to make a good first impression on the guys.
"[y/n], the room is as clean as it's gonna get. Why don't we watch a movie or tv while we're waiting for them to show up."
"Sure. Wanna watch [f/m]."
"Sounds good. We probably won't finish it, though. We have a bit less than an hour until they're gonna be here." [y/n] waved her hand and said it was okay, and put in the disc.
We watched the movie until the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I got up, walked over to the front door, and opened it. "Hey, Dallon. Come on in. So, Breezy couldn't make it?"
"Yeah. There was some parent-teacher conference I had no clue about." Dallon and I laughed while walking over to the couch where [y/n] was. Wait...was. Where'd she go?
"Um, [y/n]?" I somewhat softly said. "Hold on, Dallon. Let me go get [y/n]."
"Okay. You've talked so much about her in the studio. I'm happy I finally get to meet her." I walked to the stairs when the doorbell rang.
"Ugh. I was just about to go upstairs." I dragged my feet over to the door, and answered it. "Patrick, Pete. Good to see ya guys. Come on in." I was more than glad to hang out with my friends, but I was distracted wondering why [y/n] left.
"Holy smokes! Your place is actually clean." Patrick goofily yelled from the living room.
"Yeah. [y/n] wanted to clean up before you guys came over."
"Is she here? You constantly talk about her now. It'd be nice to meet her." Pete chimed in.
"Oh, yeah. Let me get her." I jogged up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Pete, Patrick, and Dallon are here."

[y/n]'s POV
"Uh, hold on a minute. I'll be right out." I was busy looking for a shirt to where. I usually don't care much about what I where, but today was different. All the shirt's I've found are either Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco. I love those bands, but it would be a bit... awkward. I've been wearing shirts that aren't P!ATD around Brendon, but now all those are dirty.

Brendon's POV
I waited by her door for a bit, but she still didn't come out. I was getting a bit impatient. I didn't wanna have my friends waiting downstairs for a long time. I knocked, then opened [y/n]'s door. I was going to tell her to hurry up, but when I looked up she was shirtless. [y/n] blushed like crazy, and quickly wrapped a blanket around her.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you where changing... Why are you changing, though. What you had on was fine."
"I was wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt. Patrick and Pete are gonna think I'm a weird fan or something. I don't want them to think I only wanna hang out with them because they're in a band."
"You can't keep over-thinking these small things. They aren't gonna care. They'll probably be happy you like their band. I was more than happy when you told me Panic! was your favourite band." [y/n] sighed before grabbing her [f/c] FOB shirt.
"C-can you turn around..."
"Seriously?" She looked at her feet and twirled her fingers in the shirt she was holding. I crossed my arms and turned around. She tapped my shoulder a few seconds later, and we headed downstairs. "So, this is [y/n]." She quietly said 'hi' and did a small wave. I can understand why she would be nervous. All of us are in bands that she's listened to for a long time.
"Nice to meet you! I'm not sure if Brendon told you our names, but I'm Dallon." [y/n] sheepishly smiled, looking at her feet.
Pete was the next to speak up. "I'm guessing you know who Patrick and I are seeing as you're wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt."
"Yeah, and I think it's totally cool that you like our band." Patrick added.
After a bit, [y/n] finally started talking more. Eventually, she was laughing and a lot more outgoing.
"So, [y/n] how did you and Brendon meet?" Dallon asked.
"Uh, we ran into each other at the coffee place down the road." She laughed before continuing, "We literally ran into each other. I accidentally spilled my coffee all over him, and then we just kind of... got together, I guess." The guys were laughing along with [y/n]. I'm thrilled they like her. She would be so heartbroken if they didn't.
A couple hours passed by, then the guys left. I walked up to [y/n] and kissed her neck. She turned around giggling, and our lips pushed against each other.
"I should go take a shower." I said.
"Okay." She sounded kind of sad that I couldn't stay with her longer. [y/n] sat down on the couch as I went upstairs to take a shower.

[y/n]'s POV
"Today was amazing!" I said, talking to myself, "I got some of my stuff back, and met Pete, Dallon, and Patrick! Meeting Brendon really was the best thing that has ever happened to me." I contently sighed and closed my eyes to take a short nap while Brendon was in the shower. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a phone buzz. Thinking it was my phone, I got up and looked at the text. It was a message from Hayley, saying "If you're not doing anything tomorrow, you should come over."
I was confused at first, but I soon realised it was Brendon's phone. Who was Hayley? Brendon would never cheat on me... Would he?

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