Ch. 11

326 5 6

[h/c] = hair colour

[Y/N]'s POV

I went to check a few things on my phone, but turned it off once I saw that Brendon was asleep. I didn't want to wake him up with the brightness of my screen, so I put it down on the nightstand and tried going to sleep. I was pretty sleepy, but it took a while for me to finally fall asleep. While waiting to go to sleep, I rolled over so I was facing Brendon. I thought about how cute he looked. How is it even possible for someone to be this freaking adorable? I moved so I was curled up closer to him, then I started to feel my eyelids getting heavy. I didn't resist them closing and welcomed sleep. I was so comfortable how I was, so it would've been difficult to stay awake for much longer.

It was only three days until Thanksgiving, and I didn't want to leave everything to Brendon, so I wanted to help out by going food shopping. His parents would be coming here, so we would have to prepare all of the food and make sure the house is clean. I wouldn't call Brendon a messy person, but I wouldn't call him organised, either. So, I would do the cleaning, and Brendon would be left to deal with the food. He was actually a great chef, so I was glad that I only had to do the cleaning. I didn't feel rushed to do everything in one day, since I had more time than that. So, I went to buy whatever was on the grocery list Brendon gave me. It had some pretty standard Thanksgiving stuff: turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, etc. I wanted to make this a quick trip, so I said "bye" and left.

I came back in less than half an hour and found the house to be ten times messier than when I left. "Brendon!?" I yelled, in a confused and pissed off tone.

"Yeah?" he strolled into the room, with his hands in his pockets. I frustratedly motioned my hands at the living room, and his gaze went towards the clutter. "Oh, sorry. I was trying to find the firestick remote. I couldn't find it anywhere and we just had it a few days ago." I playfully rolled my eyes and went into his room. I found the remote in two seconds, and walked back to Brendon, showing him that I had it. His eyes moved to the floor, and he dragged his feet over to the mess, so he could start cleaning up. I mentally facepalmed at him and went to put the newly bought food away. We finished putting everything away at the same time and met between the couch and kitchen counter. "Next time, I'm leaving it to you if I need to find something." He smiled as he pushed his lips against mine. I heard him flash a picture, I then took a step back and gave him a questioning look. Brendon smirked and showed me the picture he had taken. Brendon looked amazing as always, but I looked derpy and weird.

"Nooo, I look terrible in that. Delete it."

"Come on, you look beautiful as always." I crossed my eyes and puffed out my cheeks.

"Is this beautiful?"

"No, that's just adorable." Brendon poked my cheek and made me release a smile. "Anyways, I don't have any pictures of you on here. With this, I can see you whenever I want."

"You can already do that." He rested his forehead against mine.

"Yeah, but you're gonna have to go back to work soon. You've used up almost all of your vacation and sick days. I'm surprised you even get this many with your job!"

"Well, I don't... " Brendon's expression became much more serious than it was before.

"What do you mean?" I awkwardly laughed and tried to avoid his gaze.

"Well... I may have quit my job." Brendon put his hands on my shoulders and stared directly into my eyes.

"And when did this happen?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer him, so I didn't. "I'm not mad or anything. I just wanna know." his answer wasn't very reassuring, but I responded anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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