"You can count on me." Fez said turning to watch the door. Hyde went to the fridge and was getting the beers. The Formans walked into the kitchen and saw Hyde was the beers.

"Hyde, the Formans are home." Fez said

"A little late, Fez." Hyde said annoyed

"It's funnier this way." Fez said with a small smile.

Lana walked into the kitchen looking between Hyde and her parents. She laughs a little, "You dumbass"

"Okay, you two, out." Red said taking the beer from Hyde

"Here. Here, you can each have a Snack Pack." Kitty said handing the boys some pudding

"Thank you, Mrs. Forman." They said together

"Ooh. Chocolate." Fez said excitedly. Lana walked out with them and stop Hyde from going in his car

"Hey do you wanna do something later?" Lana asked as Hyde put his hands on her waist.

"Sure, give me a call later and we'll plan something" He said before giving her a quick kiss so Red wouldn't catch them and getting in his car.


Lana walked downstairs later that night to see her parents packing their bags. "Where are you two going?" She asked getting some juice from the fridge.

"Ohh your father is taking me on a romantic get away!" Kitty said excitedly, "Ohh are you going to be okay on your own?"

"Yeah of course" Lana shrugged she followed her mom outside to the car and saw her father putting the last of the stuff in the trunk.

"Ok no parties, Have your friends out of the house by 10, and call us if anything happens!" Red said as strictly as he could to his little girl

"Yes sir" Lana said before giving both her parents a quick hug. She waved them off until they were out of sight and ran into the house to the phone.

She quickly call Hyde and waited for him to pick up, "Hello?" he asked when he answered.

"Hey it's Lana"

"What's up babe?"

Lana blushed at the nickname, "My parents left for the weekend and Eric is gone. So... I was wondering if you would wanna come over and spend the night?"

Hyde paused for a second, "Um...sure! I'll be there in like twenty"

"Good can't wait! Bye!" Lana said before hanging up the phone and running upstairs to get ready.


Lana invited Jackie over before Hyde was supposed to get here cause she needed someone to talk to. Donna was gonna be too busy with Eric so Jackie was the next best thing. Even though sympathy wasn't her strong point.

"So what's up?" Jackie asked taking a seat on the couch.

Lana took a deep breath, "I think that I'm really to lose my virginity"

Groovy Baby ~That 70s show Steven Hyde storyWhere stories live. Discover now