"Sorry for messing up the room."

"Don't worry about that. At least the bed is still intact." He said as he pushed me to the bed. 

I faked a smile and opened my arms before our lips met. This was going to be a long night.....


My sleep was interrupted by a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and noticed that Victor wasn't around.

"Who's there?"

"It's Samantha."

Shit! I remembered what happened last night and how I ignored her as I went upstairs. I was still naked and picked my robe from the chair nearby.

"Come in."

Samantha entered the room with a worried look on her face.

"What happened last night? You totally ignored me."

"I'm sorry. I really lost my temper last night." I replied.

"Well what happened?"

"It's not that much of a big deal. Victor and I had an argument."

"About what?"

Her questions were becoming annoying. I really wasn't in the mood.

"Sam why don't I tell you later,I'm not really in the mood right now. Better yet you can ask him about it."

"OK. If that is what makes you feel better." She said and stood up.

"Well you better freshen up quick we have a lot to do today. You have to start getting used to the business." She said before she finally left the room.

The events of last night came running back to my head. The nurse and Victor. I pushed those thoughts aside and quickly freshened up. I sprayed my perfume before leaving the room. I went downstairs and everyone was already having breakfast. I approached the table and sat down. I scanned the table  for Victor but he wasn't here.

"Where is Victor?" I asked no one in particular.

"He said he had things to handle." Samantha replied. I dished my food on my plate from different varieties of food placed on the table. I was really hungry.

"So how has my Dad been treating you?" Ross said,breaking the silence.

"Your dad is such a nice man. He's treating me well so don't you worry." I said with a smile. I looked at Alexander and noticed his reaction. He really didn't like me at all. Ross was way better than him. Alexander would be a problem for me. I decided to engage him in the conversation.

"So how are you doing Alex?" I asked.

"Good thank you." He replied while looking at his food.

"Good to know." I said and turned my attention to my food.

Breakfast was silent and the silence was very uncomfortable. The maids came to take the plates and cutleries back to the kitchen. I stood up and was about to leave the dining until Samantha called me.

"Sylvia! We have something to do."

"Sorry I forgot about that." I said and went towards her. Alexander and Devana left at the same time while Ross was checking something on his phone.

"We are going to see Victor."

"Victor? Where?" I asked.

"Let's go." She said,ignoring my question. I followed her as she went outside. We entered a car and the driver drove off to wherever Victor was. We arrived at a very large building which increased my curiosity. I guessed here to be where Victor worked. The car stopped and Samantha opened the door to go out.

I followed suit and caught up with Samantha. She was about to enter the building.

"This is Victor's cartel." Samantha said before entering. I followed her into the building with my curiosity at its peak. We entered the building and were walking down a very long hallway. Different people were partaking in different activities. I could perceive the cocaine which got to my nose. I could see a lot of trucks with different types of illegal drugs in it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Samantha and I walked further down until we came to a door. Samantha opened the door and walked in. It was a very large room with different paintings. From the window I could see the green grass. Victor who was backing us turned once he heard the door open. A smile was plastered on his face as he came towards us.

"Welcome Sylvia." He said and pecked my forehead.

"Thank you Victor." I replied.

"So what am I exactly doing here?" I was still confused as to why I was here.

"You are going to help me with my business baby."

Business? Drug trafficking?

"So I will be helping you with your cartel?"

"Exactly." Victor said.

"Is there basically anything to learn?" I asked. I thought drug trafficking was just to gather illegal drugs and sneak them out to another country.

"Of course there is something to learn." Samantha said. "I will be back Victor." Samantha said and left us alone.

"So what do I have to do? Where do I start?"

"Well...." Victor was interrupted by his phone. He took it and picked the call,leaving the room. I was now alone.

I didn't know if I was ready for this. But I saw this coming. I had to do everything right in order to achieve what I wanted. Although I didn't really have a plan,I was all for it. I was not going to turn back.

"Welcome to the life of crime." I said to myself.

This chapter was kind of boring. I just had to post something because I haven't updated in a month now. I'm sorry.

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