Chapter 4

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Donquitoxe (Y/n)'s POV

"Corazon ojisan why did you do it to him again?" 

You looked at him, pouting slightly. You were a little bit disappointed in him. He didn't have to throw Law on the bottom full of metal scraps again. He didn't utter a single word and he just scoops you in his arms again like his little princess and it lightens up your mood to see him give you a kind smile while he boops your nose playfully. You weren't feeling the little anger growing inside of you. Both of you walked inside the humble dining hall.

You looked at the feast on the table, you couldn't help but drool and the smell isn't helping you either. Most of the food today for dinner were your favorite. The pasta, the pizza with seafood toppings, one with cheese with pepperoni, the Hawaiian style as well and Trebol's favorite food: hotdog. Two big green bottles filled with wine was on both ends of the table. Transparent fragile glass goblets, brand new set of plates and silverware were placed on the table. You also noticed that the stained cloth wrapping on the table earlier was changed into a new stainless white one.

Your father and Trebol are sitting together on the head, a seat for you was left vacant on your father's left side. On the right side of the table, there was the first seat next to you which is for your ojisan then followed by Gladius, an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Pica Army. Giolla, an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Trebol Army. Dellinger, a combatant and an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army. Machvise, an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army and the last end is Senor Pink, assassin and officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army.

On the other side were Diamante,one of the three top officers of the Donquixote Pirates. He occupies the Diamond seat of the Donquixote Family and is the leader of the crew's Diamante Army subdivision. Pica, one of the three top officers of the Donquixote Pirates. He occupies the Spade seat of the Donquixote Family and is the leader of the crew's Pica Army subdivision. Lao G,an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army. Buffalo, a combatant of the Donquixote Pirates and an officer of the Pica Army, and lastly Baby5 the servant and is serving as an officer in the Army of Pica.

All of them were waiting for the two of you to arrive so all of you could finally eat the delicious meals being prepared. Your father moves the chair a bit, Corazon placed you down gently as he pushes the chair back in so you could eat comfortably. He sat next to your right side as the Donquitoxe crew/family finally starts to dig in to satisfy their tummys. Your father puts food on your plate while Trebol pours your father's glass with wine. 

Doflamingo's plate was already filled with food. It was ready made perfectly just for the captain of the crew. He grabs a fork and a knife, using both to slice and pick the meat, putting in his mouth to chew the juicy meat on his mouth. Pleased, as the meat was to his taste buds' liking. Trebol on the other hand was in his signature *a hotdog in a fork* style of eating while you twirl your fork on the pasta and put them in your mouth.

"Our next target is Rakesh. Those fools from that town wag their tails at us while allying with other groups." -Doflamingo

You jumped a little from your seat as your father thrusts harshly on the meat using  the silver fork. Corazon noticed and he pats your back soothingly, letting him help you ease the rapid pounding of your heart which it did help.

"I'll make them pay for their betreyal."- Doflamingo

Your father had that big smirk of his, you know when your father gets really, like really really mad: His veins are popping out of his forehead. BETREYAL, that's the word your father hates the most. The door suddenly opens, no one noticed it except you. Law walks in and you weren't the only one who sense his presence as Trebol made a " ugh..." hinting the others that someone entered. All of them looked at Law, all messy, bruised and full of cuts.

"What do you want? We're having dinner."- Giolla

She had a glass of wine in her hands as she spoke with the intent of letting Law know he isn't welcome here, barging in the place like that. Law, who doesn't know why Doflamingo suddenly called for his presence stood still and wiped the blood from the side of his head using the back part of his hand.

"Throw him out!" - Giolla

A pest and an outsider such as Law, who is lower than her status ,she  could just order someone to throw him out of the place if she wants to since she's a part of the family, she can do whatever she pleases. Her hands moved back and forth, letting some people know that she really wants the kid out. You tug on your father's sleeves, letting him know you don't want the boy to leave. He understood what you meant.

"It's fine." - Doflamingo

"What?!" - Giolla

Giolla, Gladius and Michvise looked at their captain, except for Delinger who was busy with his food. Surprised by his response, Giolla couldn't do anything anymore. Once the captain says it's fine, that's final and no one could argue with that.

"I called him." - Doflamingo

"You did?!" - Giolla

"Behehehe~ Hey, Hey, Law! It's been a week now. Don't you wanna get out of here?" - Trebol.

Trebol stood up from his seat and went straight behind Corazon as he places his hand on Corazon's head. Corazon didn't mind at all. He was to busy eating to be bothered by Trebol placing his hand on his head without permission. 

"You've been getting beaten up by Corazon since you came here." - Trebol.

Law looked at Corazon, you could see it in his eyes the pure hatred his feels for your beloved ojisan. He gritted his teeth while looking at Corazon, still not bothered what was happening. You sat there, silently observing the situation. You couldn't voice out because you aren't part of it anyway but still the atmosphere in here isn't right.

~To Be Continued~

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