Chapter 3

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Donquitoxe (Y/n)'s POV

It's been hours, you thought having your ojisan finally here will be fun. You both could finally play together like the last time he was here, but when he brought you back inside earlier, he just placed you down gently to the floor near Baby5 and went to your father's private office with Diamante and Trebol. It took you at least an hour to realize that your ojisan, father and the two men are busy discussing about the money and the business. 

You couldn't play with Baby5 and Buffalo since playing with them would give you a lot of serious injuries later on and you wouldn't want to worry your father about you, he's busy enough as it is. You decided to seek the New kid instead.

Law is his name, as much as you don't know about his previous life, you just wanted a new friend of your own to play with and maybe he isn't as bad as he seems even though you heard him that he wants to be an executive just like your ojisan or the other two men.
You saw Baby5 and Buffalo were busy playing with themselves. Since no one was looking after you, You went outside the balcony, looking around for a boy who wore a northern cozy spotted white fur hat.

A minute of searching and you saw him, he's so far away, looking at the open sea,sitting on a big tire.  He's knees was brought to his chest, arms crossed on top of his legs, and a serious  yet a sorrowful expression is written in his face. You didn't think twice and head down from the metal staircase and carefully walked through the piles of scrap metal. As you got near him, you heard his stomach growled in hunger. He puts his right hand on his tummy.

"It's time to eat dasuyan!" - Buffalo 

Buffalo's yelling startled you, you tripped on a cylinder like metal, butt first on the ground as you yelp in pain. He turns around looking directly at you, he must have heard you fell. You got up quickly, a bit embarrassed 

"I- um Hi!" 

"What do you want?" - Law

"N-nothing I-I just wanted to say hi to you... M-my name's (Y/n), y-your names L-Law right? Well I see that you're hungry, do you wanna have some food? I know father would be mad at me for doing this but-" 

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to be someone's burden anymore." - Law

"I-I insist!"

You  exclaim loudly,  eyes shut tightly and both of your hands were on your sides mold into fists. You  suddenly realize what you've done and covered your little mouth of yours, embarrassed you quickly looked at him in your shocked expression. You looked down to your feet, blushing tremendously. This wasn't supposed to happen, you planned to just have a casual talk with him but instead you kind of shouted a little at him.

"I-I'm sorry!"

You bowed a couple of times, repeating your sorry's.  He stood up from the tire he was sitting and slowly approach you. You felt his hands on your shoulders, telling you to stop it. You halt and both of you we're staring at each other's eyes. It's like no one wants to look away, and it was the first time your shyness never bothered you even a little bit. It's like you're comfortable staring at him. 

You both heard the sound of footsteps on the staircase of the balcony. A frown began to appear on his face, gritting his teeth as he looks at your ojisan with a murderous intent. You didn't seem to notice that because if you did, you would immediately persuade him not to harm your ojisan in any way possible. You believe deep down that Corazon ojisan is a good guy, he's not like the others.

Law and you walked through the piles of metal scraps and took the metal staircase going up to the balcony. You stop and went near ojisan, he looks at you lovingly and scoop you up to carry you in his arms. Corazon look at Law blankly, no emotions was given, not even a little. Corazon turns his back on him and went in to have dinner inside. Law was left outside, his hands on the side, molding both into fists as anger rushed to his body.

" That crazy bastard!"  He thought.

Without focusing on his surroundings, a man wearing a formal suit and tinted black shades approached young Law. As if on cue, the boy felt his presence  and turn around to face him before he could utter a word.

"There you are." 

It was  30 year old Senor Pink, The Donquitoxe's assassin and officer who is stationed under the Executive Diamante's army.

"Doffy wants to ask you something." - Senor Pink

"I have a question too!" - Law

You heard a seemingly familiar voice talking to Law. You look at your ojisan as if saying that he needs to stop talking. He looked you more intently and sighed as he put you down. You look at the man who Law was talking to. It was just Senor Pink, your father's assassin. You don't know what his job meant but your father always says he is a precious piece just like all his other subordinates.

You felt the changing expression on your ojisan's face and you knew what was about to happen. You tried to stop him by grabbing him by the leg but you were to slow. You could only gulp and feel a bit sorry for Law. Corazon rushed out the door, his hand grabs Law's head, fast as lightning, no one even have the chance to react when Corazon did that. Ha walked going near the rails of the balcony, his arm extends, letting poor Law dangle high up on the ground. Surprised, Law looked at the man he despises the most in his life right now.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" - Law

Without a second thought, Corazon threw the weak dying child to the ground like he did for the second time around, without even feeling sorry for the poor boy who once again, crashed to the piles of hard metal, all blooded up. Cuts and bruises were added to his skin, and a bloody nose. The aching pain sure doubled by now since it's the second time around. 

"You have no mercy, Corazon. You hate kids so much..." - Senor Pink

Carazon was used to that saying, he turns his back and put his hands on his pockets. Walking in, as Senor Pink follows the higher up inside. On the other hand, Law forced his numb body to get up. Shaking from exhaustion, he managed to get up at least, with a bloody arm. He looked up and glared.

"I'll kill him!" He thought.

~To be Continued~

When I First Saw You {Law x reader}Where stories live. Discover now