Five frowned slightly.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about that," he said, looking back at the man. "You won't be going home,"

Five gave me a slight nod before grabbing a butter knife off of the counter and jumping behind the man. He drove the knife into the mans back, knocking him to the ground.

I flicked my hands towards the roof, causing the lights to flicker constantly, making it hard for the men to spot us.

I was crouched behind a table, looking around for Five. In a split second, he appeared on the table I was crouching behind and shouted.

"Hey, assholes!"

All of the men turned their guns towards the table but in the blink of an eye, Five had his hand wrapped around my arm and we disappeared from view.

He 'dropped me off' behind one of the men and I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and raised his gun but before he could fire it, I had snapped it in half with my mind. He looked at me in shock and fear before he was lifted into the air and slammed back against the wall. Five blinked in quickly and sliced open the groaning mans stomach, causing him to yell out in pain.

There was only two men left. They looked around in fear, trying to anticipate our next move. Five appeared in between the two men but as they began shooting, he had blinked away once more. Instead of shooting Five, the two men ended up shooting each other dead.

The man that I had thrown against the wall was still alive, gasping for air. Five nodded at him and I took it as a signal to put him out of his misery. I flicked my head to the left and at the same time, the mans head was snapped cleanly from his body.

Five crouched down to the ground, picking up a device that was beeping quietly.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked.

Five nodded slightly before walking back to the counter and sitting down.



Walking out of Griddy's, Five and I had matching gouges in our arms. We successfully removed the small tracking devices in our arms, however.

"Five, we have to tell someone," I told him.

"About what?" he asked.

"You know damn well what. We're going to end up getting killed and nobody's going to know what's coming for them," I explained.

Five stopped in the street for a second, deep in thought.

"Vanya will listen,"


I sat on the couch in Vanya's dark apartment beside Five, waiting for the woman to come home.

The door to Vanya's apartment swung open and Five clicked on a lamp.

"Jesus!" Vanya exclaimed.

"You should have locks on your windows," Five said calmly.

"I live on the second floor," Vanya stated, shaking her head.

"Rapists can climb," Five replied.

"Five," I said, rolling my eyes.

"What? It's true," he grumbled.

Away with You - Five Hargreeves [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora