Chapter 14

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As the Quinjet flies through the air, Juliet and Bruce sit next to one another with headphones on. They share a dual adapter so they can listen to the same classical music. Clint lays on a medical table not far from the depressed brunettes sitting in their own world. Juliet can't get over the words that Nat had yelled at her on the field.

'Maybe I am just a weak little kid.' Juliet plays with her fingers as Nat walks up to her and Bruce, Juliet is still completely in her own world. Bruce takes off his headphones and has a hushed conversation with Nat because he doesn't want to disturb Juliet.

He nudges his head over in the direction of Juliet and asks, "What's wrong with her?"

Natahsa deep sighs and slightly shakes her head. "She wanted to help and I shot her down too harshly. You know me not able to sugar coat anything." Bruce just nods his head. He can't deny what she said. I mean their first interaction with one another wasn't the best. Nat shrugs and continues onto another topic.

"Hey, the Lullaby worked better than ever." She grabs his knee in confort, Bruce shakes it off and looks over to Juliet again.

"I just wasn't expecting a code green, I mean, I was supposed to stay here and keep the kid company." He can't help but care for the girl. She woke up in a completely new time period and is pretending to adjust well. HE knows when someone is lying about adjusting well to a situation. Nat misunderstands his look of compassion for the girl for sorrow of what he did while he was Hulk.

"If you hadn't been there, there would have been double the casualties." There is a pregnant pause so Nat tries to add in humor to the situation. "My best friend over there would have been a treasured memory."

Juliet can hear everything the two adults are saying and she just shakes her head. 'Well I was there and wouldn't have let him die. I would have done just fine without Hulks help.' Juliet just rolls her eyes and pretends to not pay attention to the adults' conversation. If they were going to pretend that she wasn't there, then she would pretend to be invisible.

"You know sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I wanna hear." Bruce states to Natasha. She doesn't quite get him.

"How long before you trust me?"

"It's not you that I don't trust."

"Thor report on the Hulk." Juliet's head pops up and looks at the giant man god thing. She still can't get over just how large a person can be.

Thor, not understanding the heartfelt conversation Nat and Bruce were having excitedly proclaims. "The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor claps his hands as he finishes that statement. Steve stands behind him with regret written all over his face, he understood what Bruce wanted to hear and that definitely wasn't it. Natasha looks at Thor with arepremanding look and Bruce just covers his face with a sigh. Juliet cant help but giggle and lean her head on Bruce's leg. Thor tries to make the situation better but he just continues to make it worse. Finally Tony puts that situation out of its misery.

"Hey Banner! Dr Cho is on her way in from Sol. Is it ok if she sets up in your lab?"

"Ummm, ya she knows her way around."

"Thanks!" Tony puts the jet into auto pilot mode. Or as Juliet likes to call it Jarvis Pilot because Jarvis is the one driving the thing. Tony moves to talk in the back with Steve and Thor as they look at the scepter. Juliet decides that she is going to go and check on Clint. Before she can start to head over in his direction she is grabbed by the arm.

"We are going to need to talk." Natasha strictly tells Juliet. Juliet isn't having it and rips her arm from Nats grasp. She's not in the mood to be reprimanded by the same woman again. "Juliet."

The young teen rolls her eyes and groans. "Fine" then walks away to talk to an injured Clint. She sits right above his head and he has to look at her upside down.

"How are you feeling J?" Clint groans through his teeth.

"Aren't I supposed to be asking you that?"

"Ya, well I know what it is like being yelled at by Natasha, and that is ten times worse than this." Juliet grins down at the man and kinda chuckles.

"No talking old man. We don't need you dying on our hands." Clint just rolls his eyes but doesn't argue with the girl.


By the time they made it to the Avengers Tower both Juliet and Clint had fallen asleep. Clint is rushed out of the jet and Natasha is right by his side. Juliet is still buckled up and passed out. Maria Hill walks aboard and sees the teen still passed out and slightly shakes her head.

"Labs all set up boss." Hill makes sure to speak in a hushed tone to not wake up the girl, she doesn't need to know what she is like when woken up.

Tony not getting the memo loudly comments "Um actually he's the boss." Pointing down at Steve who is grabbing all of his gear before he picks up Juliet to take her into the tower. Both Steve and Hill shush Tony but he still doesn't pay any attention. " I just pay for everything, and design everything, and make everyone look cooler." He now notices Juliet and stands up from the pilot seat to grab her. Tony looks at Steve for permission to grab her and Steve just nods his head.

Tony makes his way over to his Godmother and notices her head lull to the side. Shaking his head he unbuckles her seatbelt and tries to wake her up a little bit so he can stand her up. That was a lost cause because she was completely wiped out. Unknown to the others Juliet hasn't been sleeping well since she has woken up. And when she does sleep she wakes up in a cold sweat, she knows it's from nightmares but she never remembers then when she wakes. Tony shifts her and somehow gets her in the bridal position in his arms. He adjusts her head so it is placed in the crook of his neck instead of hanging limp.

Steve watches as Tony picks up his daughter but continues on his way with Hill. He's trying to be more trusting with people with his daughter, so this will be good for him to be away from Juliet for a little bit. Hill explains to him what the Two Enhanced people were and what their powers are. Hill uses some very scientific terms for their powers and it completely goes over Steve's head. He gives hill a confused look and she rolls her eyes at him.

"He's fast and she's weird."

"Well, they're going to show up again"

"Agreed. The file said that they volunteered for Strucker's experiments, its nuts."

Steve made his way onto the elevator and gave Hill a blank look. "Right, what kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country." Steve rose one eyebrow at Hill and she rolled her eyes at the Captain.

"We're not at War Captain." She tries to state as a fact.

"They are." The elevator door closes after Steve's statement. Tony comes from around the corner still holding a sleeping Juliet. He had somehow got her jacket in her lap so she wouldn't be cold. He notices that the elevator must have just come and picked up Steve.

"Damn it I missed the elevator."


Short chapter this time but the next chapter is going to be extra long. I was going to add more to this chapter but I thought this would be a good place to end. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote! I appreciate all of your love and support!!!

Much Love,

Your Author

I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parker Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang