Chapter 1

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"Juliet get your arse down here right this instant!" A woman with dark chocolate brown hair yelled up the stairs You can see that this woman is young no older than 40 and she has a couple grey hairs that stand out in her dark hair. This woman is Peggy Carter the Peggy Carter. The woman that fell in love with Captain America and lost him to the war. When Steve went down with the plane he thought he was only leaving Peggy behind and Howard. Steve had already lost his best friend Bucky so he didn't think dying would be that big of a deal. After 3 weeks of Steve being missing Peggy found out she was pregnant.

You may be thinking "wasn't their first kiss before Steve jumped onto the plane and died." Nope, you see after Bucky died Steve was in a really dark place. The only light and comfort he could find was with Peggy. When Peggy found out she was pregnant she was devastated, Steve would never know his child and the child would never know their father. 6 months later Peggy gave birth to a little girl, her precious Juliet Bucky Rogers. There were some complications during birth like how Juliet was a preemie and was only 4 pounds, then Juliet also had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Juliet fought through it though and in that moment Howard and Peggy knew that she was going to be so much like her father.

Howard didn't like how Peggy had planned on having her and Juliet live in an apartment in Brooklyn, so he bought the two of them a 2 story house in Brooklyn. He also wanted them to be closer to him but Peggy was dead set on having Juliet grow up in the same area as her father did. It was something she knew was going to happen the moment she found out she was pregnant. So Howard and Peggy came to an agreement that Howard may come over to her house as much as he wanted. Juliet ended up having Howard Wrapped around her little finger the moment she was born. Howard loves that girl more than anything and he truly can't wait to have kids. Now Juliet is 14 and she in much different than the little girl they remember.

"Juliet Rogers" Peggy Carter yelled up the stairs once again."God, that girl is going to give me even more grey hairs. I am only 38 I shouldn't have grey hairs!" she mutters to herself. Peggy thinks back to what it was like when she was in the war. When she had a flame with the one and only Captain America. She wouldn't admit this to anyone but she would of still been with him even if the serum didn't work. Peggy loved Steve with her whole heart and when she lost him it tore her up inside. Little did the both of them know then that she had a little piece of him living inside of her.

"My God, Juliet Bucky Rogers if you are not down here in T minus 2 seconds I am going to leave without you!"

"I'm coming Ma!" a young voice of a 14 year old girl yells back. She has a Brooklyn accent unlike her mom but her mother wanted Juliet to be raised in the same area as Steve. Peggy can hear the rushed steps of her daughter running out of her room and running down the stairs.

"What did I say about running down the stairs Juliet?" Peggy sternly says as she looks at her daughter. She is taken back by how much her daughter looks like her father. Juliet has her father's blue eyes, and his nose, she has all the small details that most people wouldn't know or care about but to Peggy it is everything. The only difference is that Juliet has her mother hair, the dark right brown that makes her eyes pop even more than Steve's did. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Peggy.

"Not to run down the stairs" Juliet mumbles under her breath looking down.

"Right, you look really good hun. Do you like the dress?" Peggy asks while looking her daughter up and down. Much like her mother Juliet looks really good in a red color so Peggy bought her a nice modest swing dress that cinched her waist just right. The way the skirt flowed out and how her black heels matched the dress made Juliet look so grown up. Peggy looked at her daughter's face and was shocked to see that Juliet was wearing makeup. It wasn't a lot but Juliet doesn't like makeup so it was shocking to Peggy and she put her hair up in a pinstyle type of look.

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