Chapter 6

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In the short time of knowing Steve, Juliet got very close to her father. She could now see why her mother and Howard cared and talked about him so much. Steve is such a great man that she couldn't even imagine finding someone better than him. Steve didn't trust Juliet to walk on her own, so he decided that he was going to carry her, not that Juliet was complaining. There was something comforting about being carried by your dad.

Steve noticed that Juliet was starting to slip into unconsciousness and just smiled at her sleepy face. He couldn't get enough of his daughter; she was the most perfect thing that he has ever seen. He would do anything for her even if that meant giving up the superhero life, all he wanted when he was young was to have a family. Now that he has that he isn't going to let it go. Speaking of family Tony decided to speak up after he say Juliet's sleeping face.

"Wow Steve, you actually made it around. Thanks to you I just lost 80 dollars." Tony pulls out his wallet and hand Natasha a twenty-dollar bill and she just smirks at Tony.

"See I told you." Natasha winks at Steve and walks into the jet. Tony watches as Natasha looks at Steve's ass the whole time, then mouths 'with that ass obviously.' Tony just rolls his eyes and goes back to looking at Steve.

"Why did you just give Nat twenty dollars, and why could I feel her looking at my butt?"

"Well, a while ago the whole team made a bet that you were a virgin. The rest of the team said you weren't, but I was determined that you were. Turns out I was wrong, because you have a Whole Ass child." Tony pretty much yells the last part and Steve gives him a death glare.

"Tony if you wake up my child, I will personally kill you. So, keep your voice down. Plus, just for your information many people find me very attractive, I could even get with a guy if I wanted too. And that is more than I can say about you." Steve turns around and heads into the jet and puts his daughter down as gently as he can.

Natasha already has a blanket and pillow in her hands so Steve can make sure the Juliet is comfortable. Tony is still outside shocked about what Steve had just said. 'We have been spending too much time together'. Tony walks into the jet only to see Juliet completely bundled up with a smile on her sleeping face. Then he notices that Steve and Natasha are just staring at her while she sleeps. "She's going to be a heart breaker Steve. You better watch out." Tony can't take his eyes away from this girl, who he would already protect with his everything.

"She's not going to be going out into the world yet Tony." Steve responds back.

"Wait, what? What are you going to do, keep her locked up like Rapunzel?" Tony is shocked by Steve's statement. From what Tony heard from his dad is that she is a firecracker and won't like the idea of being locked away from the world.

Natasha takes this as an opportunity to jump into the conversation. "What do you expect Tony? We can't train the girl because she is too young, plus I can tell you right now none of us want her in this kind of life. Plus, the world is going to freak out when out of the blue Steve ends up having a kid that was kidnapped by Hydra decades ago. The paparazzi will be all over her, she can't go through all of that after coming out."

"I get that Nat but" Tony is cut off by Natasha.

"And Tony we don't know what they did to her when she was first taken. She could be like Winter soldier for all we know. Sorry Steve but we don't know what happened to your daughter all those years ago." Natasha looks down at the brunette and moves her hair out of her face. Natasha already feels a connection to Juliet and can't help but love her. She is so strong for only being thirteen and waking up in the 21st century. Natasha can't help but think of Clint's kids and the safe house. Natasha would take Juliet there in a heartbeat, but the team doesn't know about it.

"It's alright Natasha, as much as a hate to admit it Tony Natasha is right. I don't know what happened to Juliet, so we need to keep her away from the media and people for both her and their safety."

Tony takes this as the time to finally tell them of this place that he has made for the team. A place where they could get away from the city and the paparazzi.

"Ok well then I have this place." Tony starts to say and sees that Steve is giving him the 'what is it this time' look. "I made this place upstate where we could all live and not deakl with the city. I bought all the property around it, so it is all private property. I had it renovated and it was just finished up a few days ago. I call it the compound, but at least Juliet would be able to go outside and not be locked inside."

Steve and Nat give each other looks then look back at Tony.

"How many rooms"

"Enough for everyone on the team to have three bedrooms to themselves."

"How many levels?"

"Only three, a basement, the main floor, and the upstairs."

"How many acres?"

"Hell, I couldn't even tell you, all I know is that there is A Lot of land."

"How about security, is it truly safe for her?"

"Jarvis is already installed everywhere, plus I have the best security systems ever." At that statement Steve and Nat look at each other again with the really faces. Tony hasn't had a good track with his security.

"Can you two just trust me on this!"

"Sorry Tony, but I am just protective of her ok."

"I get it, she is your kid but I wouldn't let anything and I mean anything hurt Juliet."

"Fine, then when can we move into the compound?"

"In a couple of weeks, we still need to find Loki's scepter and get your girl all figured out."

"That sounds fair enough."

They all look at the sleeping girl and watches as she shifts in her sleep. She looks so peaceful but breakable, like a little china doll. They all swore to themselves that they would protect her until their dying breath. She is the best thing that has happened to them.

"Do you think she is ready to meet the rest of the team?"

"More like do you mean do you think the rest of the team is ready to meet her."

They all belly laugh because they know that the team isn't prepared to meet this girl. They don't understand the amount of cuteness that is about to hit them. The entire team would love her within seconds because that is just how Juliet is. Tony hears the jet panel Bing and sees that they are almost home.

"Well they better prepare, because we're home."


Sorry it has been so long! I am going to try and follow the updating schedule but you never know. School started up again so I have been very busy!


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