Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

"I can't believe she left and didn't even say I love you." Juliet says aloud to her red, white, and blue bear that Howard made her when she was a baby. "Is she really that mad at me?" she inquired to herself. "I mean Sergeant Bear we have never gotten into a fight like this. I mean we have quarrels once in a while but fight." She paces the room and looks at her bear on the bed once and awhile.

"Sergeant Bear what do you think I should do?" Juliet waits for an answer but realises how stupid she is acting."You're just a toy why am I expecting an answer from you." she flings herself on her bed. Juliet looks up at her ceiling and just thinks. She wonders about what her life would be like if her father didn't die. If they had found him and stopped him from putting the plane in ice. As she is laying there Juliet starts to dose off and her hopes and dreams take over her slumber.

"Juliet hun, it is time to come downstairs for breakfast." A male voice yells from downstairs. Juliet opens her eyes and looks around, 'who's voice is that?' She looks around her room to see if she can spot anything different than when she fell asleep. The girl creeps out of her room and down the hallway. She spots many photos that she has never seen before. One of the first photos that catches her eyes in one with a big Blond man with her same eyes holding her on his shoulders. Juliet couldn't have been more than 5 years old in this photo. 'Who is that man' she thinks to herself. While continuing down the stairs Juliet notices even more photos with this man and her in them, some of the photos have her mother and the man in it. 'This is so weird. Why does he look so familiar?'

"There you are sweetheart, I was wondering what was taking you so long." The same man as the photos says when he spots his daughter on the stairs. Once Juliet sees him in person it clicks to who this man is.

"Daddy" Juliet breathlessly says. She has only seen a picture of her father once because her mother didn't want to be reminded of him more than she had too.

"Yes sweetheart? Are you ok, you look a little pale. Do you need to lay down, damn I should have just let you sleep." Steve starts rambling to himself, all he wanted to do was make his daughter a nice breakfast while her mother was out of town. Out of nowhere he feels the air get knocked out of him and his daughters arms wrap around his neck. Steve notices that she is shaking and crying into his shoulder.

"Hun what's wrong! What happened. It's ok, i promise it is ok." Steve whispers into his daughters dark brown hair that is so much like his wifes he loves it. He thinks that Juliet is the perfect combination of the two of them but Peggy swears that Juliet looks more like her father than herself.

"Daddy you are really here." Juliet cries into her father's shoulder. Steve chuckles to himself.

"Sweetheart where else would I be." Steve looks down at her with a confused look on his face. 'What happened to make her act this way' the blond thinks to himself. His little girl is always so confident, it is weird for him to see her act like this.

"I don't know. I truly don't know." Steve hears her muffled response because her face is still deep in his shoulder. Steve can feel her grip tighten when he starts to release Juliet from the hug.

"Foods gonna get cold if we continue to stand here. We both know how you get when your food is cold." They both chuckle to themselves. Juliet looks up at her father still holding onto him, she is scared that once she lets go he won't be there and she will wake from  this amazing dream. She studies his face and realises that when her mom and Uncle Howard said she had his eyes, that she had his eyes. It was like looking into a mirror, she could see so many  traits that she shares with her father.

"You're right. Let's go eat." Juliet finally lets go and walks into the kitchen to see an assortment of her favorite breakfast foods. 'Now I know this is a dream.' She thinks to herself. The young girl looks back to the kitchen door to see her father leaning against the doorframe. His arms are crossed but his eyes show the adoration that he has for his daughter.

I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parker Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora