(Non-Canon) This is good-bye[EDITED]

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The scene opens up to a clock, no a timer starting at 100:11:59:48 and counting.

They did it. They have defeated Salem. Someone who was said to be immortal and they have proved the gods and the myths wrong. Teams RWBY, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Ozpin/Oscar, ironwood, Winter, and the others including Aero and Ghost.

Ghost: This is it. The last hundred days. There's a lot you can do in a hundred days, but it's time to start making the finale arrangements. It's time to start saying goodbye. This will be my finale message to you guys. My finale reminder of what you already know. The end is coming. And you don't need me to hold you hands anymore. You've grown so much in the time we've known each other. The end isn't something you need to fear anymore. You're so much stronger than you know. You have potential. You have drive and passion and creativity. And I'm happy to have walked with you. I'll always be with you in your memories and I think it was time to forget about me in the first place. I'll be watching over you until the bitter end. Don't despair, there's no time to waste. The night is always the darkest before the dawn. And time always seems to move faster....when it's running out.
After that a flashbang goes off and he's nowhere to be seen.

Ozpin/Oscar look around for the battle hardened soldier while ironwood looks troubled about what he said. Team RWBY look at aero in sadness. While Qrow just looks well drunk. Aero saw a note on the ground near the entrance to the castle.

Dear Aero,
It's funny how we met. The hero who wanted to save everyone he could made friends with a mercenary, an assassin, who was only there because Ozpin thought I deserved a second chance. Funny it was right after I almost took his head off with a rifle. We've had quiet the run together starting from drugs to killing Salem. Well there's nothing else to do. I was never meant to be a huntsmen or a hero. Then again I never was a hero. In the eyes of many I'm a villain. And to a point I don't blame them. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of but neither do I regret them. But enough about that it'll probably be awhile until we meet again. So I went back to my old life: Being a mercenary. I just hope we never cross paths on the opposite end of the deal. Because to one friend to another I don't want to put down another friend. Tell the others to forget me. I'm not worth remembering. Just keep Cinder safe for me will ya? As my final request as friends. I was never a good brother so maybe you can fix that for me. Be the brother I never could have been. Be there when I couldn't.
P.S I left you surprise back at patch. I think you'll love it. It's like an upgraded Zeus canon with more shots and bit more of a punch. Hope you like it.

Aero: He just left like that.....
Ozpin: there was nothing we could've done to stop it aero.
Aero: But there was probably a way to stop him!!
Ozpin:There was nothing we could've done. He kept to himself.
Aero: B.....but still.....it doesn't help.
Aero fell down to his knees.
Aero: I can't help but think we could have prevented him from leaving. 

Team RWBY came and hugged aero.
Aero: You will always be......remembered in my elder heart ghost.....always.

From afar

Ghost:You need to forget me. I'm not worth remembering. People see me for what I've done not what I could've done to help. In the eyes of many I'll always be a vile villain who needs to be stopped or to others needs to be executed for my many crimes. When we meet again hopefully you'll have forgotten about me. Until then I'll do what I do best:..........HUNT!

He saw a hero and a friend.....but all i am is a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now