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Alex and Zoey followed behind Jonah as they walked towards dark locker room

Zoey held onto Alex arm as she looked around, now surrounded by darkness. They had been held up since Jonah had to take a class that he forgot about, making them wait another hour and it soon got dark.

They walked up to the locker room seeing nothing but darkness

"Wheres my phone? I need the flashlight" Zoey said immediately then the lights came on, Zoey looked over to the sound of the light flicking on to see Jonah "the lights still work" Jonah said and Zoey nodded as she walked around

"Do you know where we can look? Like a secret room?" Alex asked as they looked at the dull red lockers "no, it's just the locker room, the coach room has been locked since we found this place" Jonah said and Zoey nodded as she walked towards the back

She sighed as she walked over to Alex "I don't think he's in here" Zoey sighed and Alex stared off at something making Zoey look over to what he was staring at

"What?" Zoey asked while looking at the coaches room

"The door" he said "yeah, it's locked" Zoey said "it doesn't look locked" Alex said and Jonah walked over to them and looked at the door "he's right, it looks...weird" mJonah said as he walked up to the door; the two following behind him

He walked up to the door opening the door "I thought uh you said it was locked" Zoey ran over to the boy "I-I thought it was locked" Zoey whispered as they walked into the room

They turned on their flashlights walking around

Zoey eyes squinted as she looked around "guys!" Alex voice was heard making Zoey turned around quickly walking over to him

"Wha-" Zoey stopped talking as her eyes landed on a bloody unconscious Sam

"Sam!" Zoey yelled as she fell to her knees shaking the boy "Sam, wake up, what happened?" Alex asked as the boy started waking up; groaning in pain

"Want me to call the cops or something?" Jonah asked while panicking the two didn't know what to say

All Sam did was groan

"M-ma..." Sam struggle to say something "what?" Zoey asked as she held his head "ma-max..." he finished "we need to get him to the car, and get him some water" Alex said and they nodded


Sam laid on his bed in the dorm as Jonah and Alex stood in front of him while Zoey held the ice pack on his head

"You did this to you?" Alex asked and Sam sighed while looking down "josh, and the other frats" Sam admitted "how long ago?" Jonah asked "about...four hours ago" Sam finally spoke out

"Is that why you didn't show up?" Zoey asked feeling bad and he nodded "then you mentioned max..what about him?" Jonah asked "j-josh, they took him- I don't know where to" Sam groaned as he reached for the ice pack and zoey let him grab it

"Ok, how about you find Max..look wherever you know-like the secret places this college have" zoey said to Jonah and he nodded as he left

"We'll find max" Alex told sam and he nodded "I-I couldn't help..you" Sam said to zoey and she shook her head "you helped Sam, you did your best and you got hurt for me..." Zoey said and Sam sighed "listen, I don't know what you did..but you got josh real pissed" Alex said "yeah..I protected Zoey. He wanted to..do something with her" Sam admitted making zoeys stomach turn "I'm sorry this had to happen to you" zoey said and Sam shrugged lightly "as long as I can save a girl from him, than it doesn't matter" he said

Alex sat next to Zoey

"Why are you so nice? any other frat would be a lying...dick" Alex said and Sam chuckled, cringing at the pain laughing put him in

"I don't consider myself a frat..I-I tag along with my brother and I always find myself with those dicks" he explained "why didn't you do your own thing..you know explore yourself?" Alex asked and Sam sighed

"I couldn't...we'll I could, but not for long..I always get separation anxiety. I can't go over 24 hours without being with my brother. He's my twin" Sam explained and she nodded "I don't have a twin..but I have a best friend..and I'm having bad separation anxiety" Zoey started "zoe, why didn't you tell me this?" Alex asked with sympathy "because I didn't want to keep putting pressure on everyone because of this josh stuff" she said "Zoey, you are always there for me..you have to let me be there for you" Alex said and Zoey nodded

"yea, it's help for someone to comfort you, ever since you guys started hanging with me, I kind of forget all about max" Sam said and zoey smiled "I'm glad to know that.." Zoey said "you know we have break, soon. It's when you go back for a short visit for at least 3 days. Before classes get serious, Every college has it" sam said and Alex looked over to Zoey; her eyes lighting up (Idk💀)

"They'll announce it tomorrow" Sam said and Zoey nodded "I have to text Clay" Zoey said happily

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【CRUSH】-Clay Jensen (s4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon