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Zoey brushed through her wet hair as she sat on her vanity looking at the mirror

Soon there was a knock on her door

"Come in" she said and the door opened

"Hey, Zoe" she heard and looked at the door "hey, Alex" she said with a smile "is everything okay?" She asked and Alex sighed while sitting on her bed

Alex never really came over, but when he usually Jessica was most likely to be there too, Zoey found it refreshing that Alex came alone. She knew that they were going to the same college. She didn't want the tension to be awkward, so right now was the best time to break any tension they had

"Don't you feel guilty..." Alex said and Zoey stopped brushing her hair and turned in her chair and looked over to the boy

"Do you?" She asked with sympathy knowing the boy had went through a lot "well, yeah. I feel like..I don't deserve to go to college" he said and Zoey sighed and looked down at her legs

She looked back at the boy; making eye contact

"Alex, you deserve to be at college, we all do. We worked song hard to get here..." Zoey said "but what if everything that happens here follow us" He said "it won't...we're getting a fresh start now, we need to stick together...we need to be strong together, Alex." She said and he nodded softly while looking down at his fingers "I just...it's hard, I feel like I don't deserve any of this..not even a boyfriend" he said and Zoey took a deep breath as she got up and walked over to her bed and sat next to him

"Look, Alex, I know we aren't close...but what I do know is that you deserve everything you have right now. You've been through a lot. And so has everyone else. But everything is settled, we have to stay calm..we can't let our past get the best of us." Zoey looked at the boy and he looked at her

"This was our closure. We're getting a new fresh start. I know you feel bad, I do too. But we can't let this get us down..we have to push forward to not let our family down" she said and Alex nodded "I know..I know" Alex said and nodded "you need a hug?" She asked and he smiled lightly "Yea" he said and she laughed lightly

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her torso

"You know...we can't go to college and be awkward around each other" Zoey joked and Alex laughed as they pulled away from the hug

"I know" he said and she raised her eyebrows "we need to get to know each other more" Alex said "favorite go!" Zoey said "uh-red?" Alex said making the girl laugh


Zoey grabbed her shoes the put them on

Once she was ready she walked outside, her smile widened once she saw the boy standing in front

"Your back!" She said while running up to him and wrapping her legs around his waist he laughed as his arms wrapped around the girls

"You missed me?" He asked "of course I did, Clay" she said as her legs dropped from his waist; Clay now being taller

"We have to talk about everything...Alex came over yesterday" she said and Clay raised his eyebrow "he still feels guilty" she said with a sighed

Clay grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers "let's walk" he said and she nodded

"Ok, so he says he feels guilty..and I don't want him to feel that way. I don't want any of us to feel that way.." Zoey said and Clay sighed and nodded "I know, but it's gonna get better..well hopefully" he said as he looked forward and Zoey looked at the boy

"I don't wanna leave. Especially you guys, we're gonna be so far apart in two weeks, it hurts to know that everything we've been through is supposed to all just go away now, like we all go our separate ways..a new life" Zoey said and Clay looked down at the girl "it sucks..I'm not going to miss the terrible events, but I'll miss the people" Clay said and Zoey sighed

"I'll miss my grandpa the most, of course you too, and Merida..but it all hurts. And I have to deal with it. And make Alex feel guilty" she said "Zoey, don't put pressure on yourself" clay said as he came to a stop and she stopped with him and turned to him to see him already facing her

"I'm trying not to, but what if everything isn't fine? I'll only have Alex to go to, but I can't tell him because he already has weigh on his shoulders-" she said being cut off my Clays lips against hers

Her arms wrapped around the boys shoulders, his going around her waist; deepening the kiss

They soon pulled away with their foreheads against one another

"You call me. Okay? Whenever something isn't going good call me, I'm here for you" he said and Zoey smiled weakly "I love you, Clay" he said "i love you too, Zoey..and we can go through this together" he said and she nodded

Clay grabbed her hand again as they begin to walk

Zoey blushing harshly

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