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"And I share dorms with this one...." Zoey said as she turned the camera to Alex

"Hi Alex!" Clay said and Alex laughed "hi Clay" he said as wrote in his book

"He's busy, I'm not really, photography as been simple, thankfully. How's things for you?" Zoey asked "good..I'm trying not to wake my roommate, but other than that, everything's fine" Clay said and Zoey pouted "I miss you, bubba" she said and clay smiled "I miss you too" he said and Alex looked over at Zoey

He made fake kissing faces towards the girl and Zoey flipped him off

"Did you meet anyone else, other than your roommate and Heidi?" Zoey asked with a hopeful smile hoping the best for the boy "uh..yea, his name is Jordan" clay said "I met a boy named Josh..weird, they both start with J's" she said and Clay nodded "what is jordan like?" Clay asked and Zoey laughed "curious..he was asking so many questions, she like a frat boy. Everything was awkward..I hate awkwardness" Zoey said and clay laughed "what is Jordan like?" Zoey asked "well he likes alien killer robots" Clay said "oh so a total nerd like you?" She joked "admit you like them" Clay said

Zoey read every single one of Clays comics that he owned, and it truly did intrigue her. At first he had made her read them, but then by choice she read them on her own

"Ok, I like them..they're interesting" she said

After a while they finally hung and Alex turned to the girl

"You two were flirting that whole time" Alex said "no we weren't" she said "ok, maybe not that whole time. But Clay got a little jealous when he heard about curios Josh" Alex said and Zoey laughed "curious Josh?" She asked "Yea, new nickname" Alex said and Zoey nodded "you know, FaceTiming isn't bad, I just fear that I'm gonna cry when we have to end a call.." Zoey said "we'll you didn't cry now.." Alex said "yeah, hopefully it stays that way" she said with a light smile


Zoey walked inside her dorm and sighed Alex looked at the girl while he ate his sandwich

"Do you happen to share any class with curious Josh?" Zoey asked while she placed her backpack on the side of her bed, then laid down

"Yea, like one..why?" Alex asked "remember when you were friends with the jocks?" Zoey asked and looked over at Alex and he nodded "well don't become friends with any of the frats" she said "trust me...I'm not going down that path again" he said and she nodded "he gives me the creeps...I can't trust him-or his little group, somethings off and I'm getting a weird nostalgic vibe" she said and Alex nodded
"I am too..I didn't trust him the day I saw him talking to you" he said "I thought I was the only one" she said and sighing in relief

"Anything else fishy around here?" Zoey asked "I don't think so" Alex said and shrugged "good. People already think I'm normal, I'd like to keep that normal girl persona" Zoey said "you are normal" Alex said "I don't feel like it" Zoey said and Alex sighed

"What's wrong..I'm all ears" Alex said as he laid next to her

Their eyes looked at the ceiling while their arms rested on their stomach

"I just feel like I'm this..victim of...a stupid jock boy..why did josh try to be all kind to me, it makes me feel like he's after me" Zoey explained and Alex instantly looked over to the girl "no..Zoey, you're not..you're safe here. It won't happen again" Alex said knowing her past with Bryce

"I can't trust boys, well jocks or frats who try to be nice to me..you know?" Zoey asked and she nodded "yea, I know" he said "I feel like when they do that it's some type of set up..because that's exactly what b-Bryce did to me" Zoey said and Alex reached for her hand

"Well, I promise you that, that's not going to happen..I'm here for you..and I'll make sure that everything is alright" Alex said and Zoey smiled "thanks, Alex" she said weakly as she looked over at the boy "how are things with you and Charlie?" She changed the subject "pretty good" he said and Zoey smiled and nodded "I'm glad you're happy, really" Zoey said "well, I don't think you get to change the subject" Alex said and Zoey sighed "every time I open up to someone I never know if they'll actually want to listen, I do more of the listening and advice giving" Zoey sighed "well things change, Zoey we need to be more open and you can always tell me what you need...if you feel not safe, tell me" he said and Zoey nodded

Alex had something in mind..

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【CRUSH】-Clay Jensen (s4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora