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Zoey walked next to Alex as they walked down the flight of stairs

Zoey eyes met the boy she was afraid to meet, but she knew something was up. Sam hadn't been texting her back. And she didn't know what was going. But judging by Josh's face, it told her different

The three stopped in front of each other and zoey flared up at the tall boy

"Where is Sam? We have project due in two days" Zoey lied and Josh let out a cold laugh "you think I'm stupid?" Josh asked and Alex furrowed his eyebrows "what are you talking about?" Alex asked "you'll see.." josh said and Zoey stopped the boy

"Where. Is. Sam? What did you do?" Zoey asked and josh smirked as he slowly shook his head "I didn't do anything" josh said while raising both of his hands in surrender "stop with the bullshit, Josh. You're up to something and it's obvious" Alex said and josh scoffed while pushing past the two

Zoey watched as josh walked off and she quickly looked at her phone; unlocking it

She went to her contacts and she found Sam's number and called it from the 5th time

No answer.

"He's not answering" Zoey panicked "do you think he's avoiding you?" Alex asked "Yea, maybe he decided to back out or something..everything was supposed to go down today" Zoey said and Alex eyes widened

"The gym...remember they have the boys and girl room.." Alex started "what are you trying to say?" Zoey asked "that maybe they locked him in there. Don't be stupid" Alex said and Zoey byers widened


Zoey walked into the girls room looking around seeing some girls take off their shirts; in their sports bra and leggings ready to exercise

Zoey didn't see anyone, which made since because a boy wasn't allowed in the girls room anyway

Zoey called Alex as she walked out of the room

"Did you find Sam?" She asked with hope "no, he's not here" Alex said and Zoey stood looking around at the gym to see guys and girls lifting weights, doing squats, leg workouts, etc

She sighed and looked back at the boys room as she saw the door open; Alex walking out

"Well, I thought you were on to something.." Zoey said "yea.." Alex said as he looked around "what?" Zoey asked "he had to be somewhere, you sure you went to the right dorm room?" Alex asked and Zoey nodded "I specifically went back to the text message to see the floor number and the room number, no one this boy answered...but he said Sam wasn't back yet" Zoey said and Alex eyes light up

"What if the roommate lied for him? We have to go back, we have no control over josh, we don't know what he's planning" Alex said and Zoey nodded understanding and fearing for her life.


Alex knocked on the dorm room door and it soon opened revealing that same kid

"Uh-I told you Sam isn't-" Alex cut the boy off "cut the bullshit, we need him right now" Alex said and the boy sighed as she opened the dorm door "come and check yourself, he hasn't came back yet" he said and Alex looked at Zoey before entering and Zoey followed behind Alex as the boy closed the door behind him

"What time does he usually come back?" Zoey asked and the boy looked at his watch on his wrist "he was supposed to be back about an hour ago" the boy said and taking running his fingers through his curly hair

Zoey looked into the boys green/hazel eyes and squinting them

"Why haven't you suspected anything?" Alex asked taking the words from Zoeys mouth "because, Sam gets the girls, he probably just busy" the boy said "he can't be, he promised to meet up with me and Alex" Zoey said and they boy sighed

"I'll call him" the boy said "listen..." Zoey started and the boy looked at her "Jonah" he said and she nodded "listen Jonah, I've called him five times, he didn't answer, Alex called him a few times, he didn't answer. Please tell me you know anything about those Frat boys, secret spots or something" Zoey said and he nodded 

"This isn't a secret place, anyone who's been here over a year knows about the public baseball field. They have this abandoned locker room, we used it for parties about six times" Jonah explained

"Can you take us there?" Alex asked "uh, sure" Jonah said

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【CRUSH】-Clay Jensen (s4)Where stories live. Discover now