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"So they had a parent meeting. I really don't think it's such a big deal" Jessica said while sitting down at the table "they have complete access. They've been watching everything we do, tracking every move we make" clay explained "if all they know is that we've been talking about Gordon lightfoot, how much do they actually know?" Jessica asked "look, I don't think they've cracked the code yet, but they have a fucking security team working on it..they could be listening right now for all we know" Clay said "Clay I think you're being paranoid" Jessica said "I think you're being stupid" Clay said as Zoey sat across from Jessica

"Look, you escaped from a mental hospital. How do you expect anyone to trust you?" Jessica said and Zoey furrowed her eyebrows "that is the most fucked up thing anyone in our group of friends has said...how-" Clay cut Zoey off "you're still with Diego, how do we trust you?" Clay said "exactly" Zoey said "you guys are the one who wanted to meet" Jessica said "we didn't expect you to be such a bitch about it!" Zoey said and Jessica was about to speak until Clay held his hand up to both girls trying to get them to not argue

Clay rested his arm on Zoey calming her down

Zoey drunk her milkshake as she glared at Jessica

"Look, we have to get everyone together, or you do" Clay said "who's left? Justin's not speaking to me, Zachs done. Zoey apparently thinks I'm a bitch" She said "I'm still here, though" Zoey said "I mean, Alex? Ani?" Clay asked "Ani moves out, and she's been meeting with miss walker...Alex saw her" Jessica said and Clay scoffed lightly

"We are so fucked" Clay said "this is just peachy" Zoey said sarcastically then sighed


Zoey watched as the officer slammed Diego onto the locker putting hand cuffs on the boy

"What the fuck?" Jessica spoke as Zoey stood next to her

"Oh this is fucking unbelievable, this is fucking typical" a girl behind Zoey said and they all moved out of the way as he walked Diego down the hall, Diego looking back at Jessica terrified

Soon the kids all stood around the principal

Zoey stood in the back trying to push through the kids, but they wouldn't budge

"I told them, we're fighting" Bolan said "oh, that's bullshit and it's not just them, it's all of us! Presumed guilty? No charge? No due process?" Jessica said and everyone agreed "all right people. Folks-hey please." Bolan made everyone get quiet "the situation is being addressed, let's get back to class" he said and Zoey finally got to the front of the crowd "no!" Jessica said and Zoey nodded "do not make matters worse..get back to class" Bolan said "no, we're not going back to class" clay said "especially after what just happened" Zoey added "Clay, Zoey, I promise you we will get into this, Diego's being released, the officer will be disciplined if appropriate.." Bolan said and the teens boo'ed the situation "and we will address the situation according to-" Zoey cut Bolan off  "disciplined? How about fired?" Zoey said and the group agreed "listen-" Jessica cut Bolan off "fuck that! Enough is enough!" Jessica said and the student cheered louder

"Fucking right" Justin said while standing next to Zoey "all right, I understand your point without all the inappropriate language" Bolan said "fuck you, motherfucker" Clay said and all the student gasped and cheered being surprised "we're together on this" Clay said "everyone get back to class right now, or there will be consequences" Bolan said "bring it on" Jessica shrugged "we're not afraid" Jessica said and Alex walked away making Zoey furrow her eyebrows "we're not phased" Zoey said "we're finally doing something" Clay said "doing what, exactly?" Bolan asked Clay, Zoey, and Jessica looked at each other

They soon all looked at the door

They made way for Clay, Jessica, and Zoey

"Turn around" Bolan said "no" Zoey said as they kept walking "no! Turn around the three of you..." Bolan said but all the kids begin to walk out "what do you think you're doing!?" Bolan yelled

"Just to be clear, I don't actually have a plan I'm kind of following your lead" clay said to Jessica "me? I was following Zoey" Jessica said and they looked at Zoey "I have no idea what to do..I was literally following you, guys.." Zoey said

"Hey you guys gotta figure something out, because, I mean, everyone..." Justin said and they all stood looking at teens that walked out after them "yeah..it's, uh it's kind of a thing" Tony said 

Soon Diego came out going to his group of jocks

"I say we break some fucking heads!" Luke yelled "yeah!" The students agreed "or we could use our heads, cut the power to the school, maybe light some shit on fire" Cyrus said "yeah!" Everyone agreed

Ani soon walked over to Jessica "let's here what our president has to say" Ani said while handing the girl the megaphone "shit I thought you took off" Jessica said "had to make a stop at the cave. Go!" Ani said

"Hey, everyone!" Jessica said gaining people attention "theres a lot we can disagree on, but I know we can agree on one thing...we're pissed off am I right?!" Jessica yelled into the megaphone "yeah!" Everyone yelled "cause shit has got to change around here, so let's make damn sure it does today. You guys with me?" Jessica asked "yeah!" They all yelled "we need a fucking chant!" A boy yelled "yeah" people agreed

"Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! SROs has got to go! Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! SROs has got to go!" Ani chanted soon everyone started to chant and walked off school grounds to in front of the school

This was going to be good...


【CRUSH】-Clay Jensen (s4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ