Part 1

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TW: Blood, unsmypathic Roman, abuse, cutting

Virgil’s Pov

 “Anxiety get down here now!”

 I sighed placing my phone down, ‘Now what?’

 I walked downstairs to see an angry Roman and Logan.

 “I have a name you know, now what do you want?”

 “Why is Thomas having a panic attack?!”

 My eyes widened, “What!?!” I sunk out to the real world to see Patton trying to calm Thomas down.

 I walked over and sat in front of him, “Hey Thomas can you hear me?”

 He nodded.

 “Ok breath in for four, hold for seven, out for eight.”

 It took a few tries but eventually, I got him to calm down.

 “Thanks, Virge.”

 “Any time. See you later.” I sunk out back to the common room.

 When I got there I was pushed against the wall with a sword against my throat, “What the heck Princey!”

 “You think you can give Thomas a panic attack, then take it away as nothing happened and expect to get away with it.”

 “I didn’t give him the stupid attack! Not get your sword away from my neck!”

 He slowly pulled his sword away. After it was down he punched me in the face.

 “What the heck!” My eyes started to water as blood came down my face.

 “Opps.” He turned walking away.

 I walked upstairs to my room and into the bathroom.

 I sighed, “I should be used to this by now…”

 I cleaned my face. As I was leaving something caught my eye. 

 ‘Do it.’

 ‘I shouldn’t…’

 ‘It’ll get rid of the pain. Besides, you've only been clean for what a week?’

 I reached out and grabbed the razor. I sat against the tub, rolling up my sleeves to reveal light pink cuts on both arms. I dragged it across my arm. One, two, three, four, five. I lost count after the fifth one. After my arm was covered I moved to the other one and did the same thing. I put the razor on the counter and grabbed my foundation to cover the blue and green bruises on my face from yesterday.

 ‘Why did I leave? Right the fight...I should’ve just stayed…. What was I thinking?’

 I grabbed my phone and headphones walking to the front door.

 “Where do you think you're going?”

 I sighed turning around, “Outside.”


 “Cause I don’t want to be in my room anymore.”

 I opened the door but got dragged back inside by Roman.

 “What now?”

 “Oh, Virgie~ don’t you know what time it is?”

 My eyes widened as I tried to get out of his grip, “Let me go Roman!”


 He dragged me upstairs to his room, threw me in, and locked the door before stalking over to me. I backed up till my back hit the wall, my breathing started to pick up.

 “I don’t know why Patton let you stay, you do nothing but hurt Thomas. You're just a mistake and if I could get rid of you for good… me I would….”

 He stopped in front of me.

 “Now let’s begin shall we.”

I'm Sorry (A Sander Sides Story) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now