Chapter 15: Rainy Emotions

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Anna: Welp, time for me to head to homeroom. I bet it will be annoying just listening to the rain and thunder. I'll see you later.

"Yeah, you too." I watch Anna leave. She's childish as always. I was about to head to my homeroom class, but...

"Remi," Agari approaches us.

Remi: Agari, is anything ok outside?

Agari: It's hard to live in the thunderstorm because of hard rain and wind. Do you have free time during lunch hour today?

Remi: Yeah, why?

Agari: Just thinking how the thunderstorm would be this painful to hear since there will be a chance for a power outage. I have no idea what the school systems are thinking.

Remi: I thought about that too. No wonder how long the rain will last.

Agari: I see people wanted to go outside for their own happiness. Don't you know about that as well?

Remi: Yeah, just hoping for sunlight to shine our world again.

Agari: I see. Do you want to head to a cafeteria for a private conversation? I bet you don't look happy since there will be people being loud in the classroom.

Remi: Fine by me, I would be annoyed if it wasn't for Huraki.

Agari: I understand how you feel. If it wasn't for Darick, she wouldn't have bothered you like that most of the time.

"I get that feeling too," It pains me to remember how much Darick will try to make my fate worse as I went back to school. My father was always too nice for the world. But now...I have a different fate because Y/n would have that is more mature than him.


Vari's POV

It's lunch hour as I went down to the student counseling room. I have my own bento lunch box that I cooked. "Time to eat." I started eating it for lunch before the next period occurs. My cooking was all better and encouraged thanks to Y/n's kindful words.

"You don't seem your usual-self, Vari." A familiar voice came next to me.

"Carnine White, you're here too?" I said to her.

Carnine: I just need a break from my library job. Just got tired from having students checking out books, placing the books in the right spot, and even dealing with noisy idiots around.

Vari: I'm sorry to hear that from you.

Carnine: Really? Because that stupid thunderstorm rain is going to be louder than usual until the end of the week. So, do you have a plan this week?

Vari: No, I haven't planned anything but with my English notes that I was going to instruct the class.

Carnine: Don't know why that we have to be in school for a job or the school system that their decision has already made for, but whatever it is, this is just stupid. No wonder how they are underestimating the wind speed.

Vari: I would agree too. They are too ridiculous for trying to keep their business continuing their progress without any problems interfering.

Carnine: I wish that I can go home without being bothered by some principal that keeps his decisions rapidly by just letting everyone deal with disasters that are not serious at all. I have no idea what he's thinking.

Vari: Me too. I don't want my students to get sick or hurt by the thunderstorm outside.

Carnine: You seemed awfully worried at the moment. Did some students strike a nerve on you?

The Goddess of Light to An Average Girl (Female Harem x Female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin