Chapter Seven

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OMG so I finally get to write about Nico and Will's first date. They are my second OTP. Maybe I'll tell you next time what my first OTP is...

I'll also be switching between 2 POVs this chapter for the first time!! Yay!!!

~Nico POV~

I woke up feeling... queasy? No, that wasn't it. I was... nervously anxious, I guess. And you all know why.

After the strategy meeting yesterday, Will had come over to my bed as I was reading, and told me to meet him in "my" clearing, the clearing that I always went to before all of this happened.

I wonder what he could be planning. Are we going to talk? Eat? Sleep? Kiss? I don't even know. All I know is that I've suddenly realized that I really care about someone other than Bianca, Percy, or Hazel for once, and it feels good.

I grabbed a black sweatshirt, and some dark blue jeans and changed silently in the corner of the room. I checked my watch. The glowing display read "10:37 PM". Will and I had agreed to meet at 11. I lay back down, then suddenly sat back up again. I took a glance over at Will's bed. Huh. He was gone. He must be preparing.

I lay back down and tried to think about other things, but it was hard when I only had 23 minutes until my very first date ever.

~Will POV~

I pretended to be asleep in order to wait until everyone else was asleep to sneak out, if that's not confusing. When I finally saw the last pair of eyes close, and had waited 5 extra minutes, I climbed out of bed, still fully clothed.

I headed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put on some nice cologne, and brushed my hair. I looked and smelled nice. I was ready to go.

In the kitchen, I saw that it was 9:15. That should hopefully be enough time. I snuck over to the hidden cupboard and pulled out my supplies that I had gotten from the Stoll brothers, which consisted of multiple balls of rolled up white Christmas tree lights, a red and white checkered picnic blanket, a large woven picnic basket, a candle, and a fresh, red rose.

I put everything inside the picnic basket and lugged it to the door. Then, I carefully pulled the handle and painstakingly opened the door without a creak, exited, then closed it the same way.

I tried to hunch over so I wouldn't be seen by other cabins as I rushed to the woods. I dodged trees as I made my way to the clearing that I had told Nico to meet me in. It took about a 2 minute walk through the woods just to get to the clearing, so we would no doubt have peace and quiet in there, just the way Nico liked it.

First, I took the lights out of the bag and started hanging them on the tree branches around the clearing, so that we would be completely surrounded by lights. Good thing, too, because it was almost completely dark.

Once all of the lights were unraveled and strung up, I neatly laid the soft picnic blanket out over the ground in the center of the clearing. I set the candle, which I would light later (so I wouldn't set the woods on fire) in the center of the blanket and I put the rose next to it. I would pick up the rose later.

I had one last item, the big surprise, that I hid behind a tree. Lastly, I picked up the picnic basket and ran back to the cabin to fill it up with all of Nico's favorite foods, some of which I had also purchased from the Stoll brothers. They can steal almost anything.

Within another 10 minutes, I was back in the clearing with everything completely set up. I checked my watch. 10:48. He would be arriving soon. I sat down and waited.

~Nico POV~

After checking my watch every 2 minutes for what seemed like hours, it was finally 10:55. I decided to start walking now, to get there on time. I straightened my hair, and smoothed out my clothes, then carefully exited.

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