Hop nodded proudly. "You see, Wailord is also known as the float whale Pokémon! It can dive as deep as three thousand meters in one single breath. If it wasn't for Eternatus, Wailord would've been the largest Pokémon ever recorded! Ah, did you know that a group if Wailords is called a pod, and they-"

"Can't a guy get some peace and quiet to train around here! " An angry voice scowled at them from behind a huge boulder.

Hop and Victor looked at each other in confusion, but Gloria's eyes started to beam up the second she heard the  stranger talking. She recognized this annoyed voice all too well, it was her newest rival Avery! His tall yet slender body came walking towards them with big and elegant steps. He was wearing his usual psychic gym trainer clothes with his tall hat. His blonde, long hair was waving neatly by each step he took. The pokeballs that were spinning around his hat started to spin even faster the second he laid his eyes on Gloria and Hop. Avery turned around and mumbled something to himself, but quickly turned back around again.

"Ah, you've come back for more training I see. You'll obviously need it." He said with one twitching eyebrow.

Hop awkwardly laughed, but Gloria just looked at him with an honest smile. She would by lying to herself if she'd say that she didn't miss him. The brown haired girl could see that secretly, he missed her too. Suddenly, Avery's eye fell upon Victor. He looked at him, than back to Gloria, than back to Victor again. Avery came to a halt in front of the kids. With drooped shoulders he stood still and looked at the twins in disbelief. The pokeballs that were flying around his head all dropped to the ground with five loud thuds.

"Please don't tell me there's two of you..." He mumbled in a sad tone, pointing his finger at Gloria.

The young champion started to grin. She and Victor had exactly the same face. If you made Victor's chin more sleek and gave him false eyelashes and a wig, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference! Gloria put her hands on her waist and took a step closer to Victor so they were standing against each other.

"Victor's my twin brother! We're basically the same level of annoying, ain't that so, my dearest brother?" She teased the psychic trainer while giving Victor a nudge with her elbow.

Avery glanced from Gloria to Victor and back to Gloria again a couple of times. He looked at Hop with desperate eyes before letting out a deep sigh.

"Oh, what a cruel world we live in." The blonde haired man said as he started to walk towards the Dojo, his shoulders still hanging down.

Hop tried to hold in his laughter as he looked at Gloria with his hand for his mouth. Victor put his hands on his hips and looked at his sister too, but with a stern look.

"What did you do to that poor man?" He asked her sternly.

Gloria put her hands behind her back and innocently started to follow her newest rival. Hop and Victor shared a look before joining in. It didn't take long before they arrived at the Dojo. Victor was looking around him the whole road. He was amazed by all the new kinds of Pokémon he'd never seen before. They arrived at the Dojo. In front of it was standing an old man next to a beautiful older lady. Avery's shoulders returned to their normal height. The tall man straightened his back and suddenly turned back around with a big smile. Mustard and Honey turned to face Hop, Gloria and Victor. Gloria jumped up and ran forwards. She came to a halt and took a deep bow in front of her old master. Mustard bowed back and shook her hand instead in a respectful manner.

"Gloria, Hop! How good to see you!" Honey kindly said as she wrapped her arms around the brown haired girl to embrace her in a tight hug.

Gloria chuckled and gave her a quick hug in return.

UnityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora