Vishwamitra's request

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It has been a few weeks since the princes returned from gurukul and the palace of Ayodhya was filled with laughter and happiness again.

The king and the queens doted over the princes every second of the day. The princes too were happily basking in all the love and attention they were receiving all while learning and training in administration and warfare and welfare of people.

Days seemed to pass in blur and on one of those days, there arrived the great sage Vishwamitra. The king and the queens received the sage with all due respect.

"The whole of Ayodhya feels privileged today to have been blessed with your presence Maharishi" Dhasarath said taking Vishwamitra's blessing. The queens followed next.

"May you be blessed with all goodness in the world , I am very pleased by your welcome"

"Greetings Maharishi", said guru Vashista folding his hands.

"Greetings Maharishi", replied Vishwamitra mirroring Vashista's stance.

"I sense your visit to Ayodhya has a major purpose Maharishi Vishwamitra", asked Vashista with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"You are indeed right Maharishi Vashista, I have come to ask for the King's help.

"Please Maharishi do not embarrass me, I am in no position to help but to take orders. Just order Maharishi, and it will be carried out by me" Dhasarath said folding his hands in prayer.

"You are a true raghu Dhasarath, who are known for their bravery and humbleness " Vishwamitra said and continued "In recent times rakshasas have been causing trouble in the places near my ashram and are also disrupting the yagna. I came here today to seek help to defeat those rakshasas"

"Ofcourse Maharishi I'll send my army with you and I myself will join you, if you wish" Dhasarath said eager to serve the great rishi in any way he can.

"As much as I appreciate your offer Dhasarath, I didn't come here seeking an army"

"Then please let me know Maharishi, what do you seek from Ayodhya, I'll be happy to serve you in anyway"

"I came here seeking your son, king Dhasarath. I want Ram to accompany me to the Ashram"

Dhasarath was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment. The queens were equally speechless too

"Maharishi but Ram...he is just a teenager, how can he fight against those powerful rakshasas."

"You son is capable of fighting the rakshasas Dhasarath, I seek only ram and nothing else from here"

"But Maharishi...he is just a boy.." Dhasarath said weakly.

"Dhasarath, Maharishi Vishwamitra is himself a warrior; if he wishes to kill those rakshasas he can easily do it. So if he is seeking Ram, you have to understand it is for Ram's benefit. Send Ram with him" Vashista said sternly.

Dhasarath knew he was fighting a losing battle. He didn't wish to send Ram but he has promised and he has to keep the promise. Even if he had not promised there is no way he can disobey both the Maharishis. So with one final look at the queens who were equally devastated as him, he sent his minister to fetch Ram.

The minister went to convey the information to Ram. Ram was with his brothers in the training ground.

The princes had a different reaction to the news. Ram's brothers were not sad hearing the news because unlike their parents who still thought of them as kids, the princes were confident that Ram is capable of fighting the rakshasas.

Ram had been the best archer in gurukul and he had knowledge of divine weapons too and for them there is probably no one in the world that could defeat their Ram bhaiya.

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