Ram's birthday-part 1

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It was yet another beautiful day in gurukul. It was few hours before noon and all the disciples were either happily roaming around or playing and enjoying as there were no classes that day. All but one, he was sitting under a tree, his mind roaming elsewhere.

Our beloved raghunand woke up at sunrise with his usual pleasant smile but the smile disappeared when he turned to his side and found Laxman's spot empty.

Laxman was not a morning person and it usually took lot of effort on Ram's part to get him out of bed and Ram was surprised to see that Laxman has woken up before him, and then suddenly it hit him, he just remembered what day it was,it was his birthday, 'ofcourse my Laxman woke up early to plan something for me', Ram thought with a fond smile.

Just then two arms wrapped around his shoulder and Shartugan voice said ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY BHAIYA".

Ram turned around and hugged his brother placing a loving kiss on his forehead head whispering his thanks, Bharat who had just entered the room after his morning routine joined the hug saying his wishes too.

The brothers sat there for a while holding each other and laughing before Shatrugan noticed Laxman's absence.

"Bhaiya where is Laxman bhaiya"

"Oh he just went to the waterfall with his friends I saw him on my way back to the room" said Bharat

"Waterfall that too with his friends?" frowned Ram.

"Yes bhaiya I thought he informed you before leaving"

"Oh I was asleep, he must have left not wanting to wake me up" said Ram masking his disappointment.

"But why would he leave without wishing bhaiya happy birthday" Shatrugan asked confused.

"As I said I was asleep he just didn't want to disturb me" Ram said more to himself than to Shatrugan ruffling his hair.

The brothers then continued with their usual morning routine.It was almost breakfast when Laxman arrived.

Ram was little upset Laxman had gone in the morning without wishing him, he knew Laxman was not making any plans because if he did Bharat and Shartugan would have been included in the plan. Since they didn't seem to know anything Ram was sure Laxman was not making any plans.

It was almost breakfast time and Ram was waiting at the gurukul entrance for Laxman. When Laxman saw Ram, he ran to him with a beaming smile and Ram's mood immediately changed 'what if he didn't wish me in the morning, here he is, my brother' Ram thought. Laxman hugged Ram with such a force that it almost threw him off balance.

"Bhaiya you wouldn't believe me what I saw at waterfall today, it was that rare kind of bird guru taught us about, it was so beautiful bhaiya, so beautiful that I didn't even knew how time passed watching it......"

Ram didn't listen to anything after that, 'he doesn't remember ' was the only thought in Ram's mind

"....I can't believe I was so lucky today hereafter I'm going to wake up early just to see that bird" Laxman was bouncing on his feet with joy
"Come bhaiya I'm hungry let's go for breakfast" Laxman pulled Ram along him.

Ram gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes and followed him.' Just give him sometime he is so excited with the bird, he will remember after a while' Ram said to himself.

Laxman quickly finished his breakfast and immediately left to the forest saying, he is going to search for that bird.

It has been hours since Laxman left and Ram was here partly worried for his safety and partly upset. 'Surely he hasn't forgotten my birthday right, no no there is no way my Laxman will forget my birthday, but why hasn't he wished me, am I being too strict with him these days, doesn't he love me anymore', there were millions thoughts running through his mind.

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