Ram's birthday-part 2

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After talking to Bharat Ram was feeling better but he still had his doubt and his internal debate continued.

'It's just a birthday, people forget things all time'

'Yes but Laxman never forgets things especially things related to me'

'I don't even care he forgot my birthday but couldn't he spend little time with me, went in search of some stupid bird'

'Who are you kidding, ofcourse you care'


Just when Ram admitted to himself how much he cared about Laxman not wishing him he heard someone calling him.


Laxman was standing before him, his body covered in dirt and sweat panting like he had been running.

"Laxman what happened, you went in search of bird right?. Then why are you looking like this, did you get involved in a fight again?"

At that Laxman's face fell.'Great the moment he arrives you upset him and you wonder why is he spending time away from you, great Ram simply great' his mind chastised him.

But Laxman recovered quickly "No bhaiya I ran all the way here that's why I'm panting, come I have something to show you", with that Laxman tugged at Ram's hand and lead him half running and half walking outside the ashram.

'He surely is obsessed with the bird, he is taking me to show that, I wonder what is special about it, it's just a bird'

'You know exactly what is special about that bird you are just mad that the bird caught all his attention and not you'

Laxman lead Ram deep into the forest, just then Ram noticed the path seemed familiar but the only difference was now the path was cleared in the middle to enable people to walk rather than being covered with bushes and thrones.

Laxman lead Ram further deep into the forest to a waterfall. People rarely came here preferring the waterfall that is near the ashram, that is the reason why Ram often uses this as his meditation spot.

But what Ram saw there made his jaw drop, he turned to laxman who was still holding his hand with a wide smile on his face.

Before him there was a beautiful hut built using bamboos and decorated with leaves and flowers. It was built little above ground level and there were steps made leading to the door. From the size Ram made out it consisted of only one room but it was spacious.

"Come bhaiya" Laxman tugged at his hand again and lead him inside

It consisted of one room as Ram assumed and it was spacious, it had two windows on opposite sides and Ram was sure the hut would be lit by sunlight at all time during day by the position of the windows. Adjacent to the window and attached to one of the walls in the middle was a small stage. There were two mud pots Ram assumed contained water.

Ram was at his wits end,"Laxman what is this?"

"I thought you could use it for meditating instead of sitting out in sun and rain and all kind of bad weather"

"Yo..you built it?"Ram asked shocked

Laxman just shrugged his shoulders "You know Bharat bhaiya and Shartugan have been making their gifts for weeks but I'm not skilled in all those things, so I thought I'll make this" Laxman replied as if it was no big deal.

Ram's eyes filled with tears, all the while he was upset his Laxman had been here building this for him because he didn't want him to sit outside in sun and rain?. How could a younger brother care like a mother. And how long had he been doing this, it looked so beautiful , who would believe it was built by a kid. Did Laxman go through so much struggle for him. And he had been wondering if Laxman's didn't love him anymore,he was such an idiot.

Ram's heart swelled with so much love that it hurt and he couldn't stop the tears that escaped his eyes.

"You don't like it?" Laxman asked innocently seeing Ram cry ,his own eyes filled with hurt. 'His bhaiya didn't like his gift,he should have thought of something better'

Ram's heart broke at Laxman's question, how could he not like it.

Ram hugged Laxman so tight almost crushing him paying no mind to the dirt covering Laxman's body.

"Don't cry bhaiya. I'll take it down if you don't like it. I'm sorry don't cry" Laxman said hugging him back just as tightly.

Ram shook his head vigorously still not breaking the hug."No Laxman I love it, it's so beautiful"

"Then why are you crying?"

"These are happy tears" Ram laughed through his tears.

"See I'm smiling now. This is the bestest gift ever" Ram said pulling away from wiping his tears and beaming at Laxman.

"Yay!!" Laxman jumped with joy and threw his arms around ram once again."HAPPY BIRTHDAY BHAIYA"

Ram hugged him and was smiling so wide that he was sure his cheeks are going to ache.

Just then Laxman winced and pulled away from the hug.

"Laxman what's wrong?",Ram asked worried.

"Nothing bhaiya"

Ofcourse it was  not nothing laxman has several scratches and wounds caused in process of building the hut. Ram hadn't noticed because of the dirt covering his body.

"Laxman you are hurt. You shouldn't have done all this you know" said Ram checking his wounds, tears filling his eyes, this time for a different reason.

"It's nothing bhaiya only few scratches it will go away fast and I couldn't go without giving you a gift now can I?" Laxman asked like it would be the most stupid thing to not get Ram a gift for his birthday. He didn't know  that all his bhaiya had been yearning for all this morning was a tight hug and a "happy birthday bhaiya" from him.

Ram couldn't even find it in himself to scold Laxman for his carelessness and getting hurt. So he ordered him to first clean himself in the waterfall, meanwhile preparing medicine from the trees there.

After Laxman's wounds were healed and after eating Ram's favourite berries that Laxman had kept there in the hut both brothers were sitting in the hut and Laxman was narrating how he built the hut and Ram was listening with an affectionate smile.

"And then I came after breakfast to complete buil-" Laxman yawned before completing his sentence.

Ram chuckled and patted his lap, " Come here you should be tired after all this, you need rest" , no need to tell Laxman that sleeping herbs were mixed in his medicine.

Laxman gave a sleepy smile and rested his head on Ram's lap without any complaint and almost slept immediately.

Ram placed a loving kiss on his forehead and sat there pondering over the day's events. Seeing Laxman sleeping peacefully in his lap, his face even more innocent in sleep Ram couldn't help but feel like he is the luckiest and most blessed person in the entire world.

Gurukul:a type of education system in ancient  India with  shishya  ('students' or 'disciples') living near or with the teacher in the same house.

Guru: Teacher

Bhaiya: Brother

Mata: Mother

Raghunandhan: Brave man of the Raghu clan

Lakhan:Another name for Laxman

Lal: Beloved

A/N: Here it is as promised the second part, say how you liked it in the comments. I'm thinking  of what to write for next update, if you have any ideas tell me in message or comments.Stay home and stay safe😊😊

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