I don't want to win

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It was a bright day in Ayodhya and the palace was filled with laughter and joy as always.The princes were still young and have not begun their education in gurukul. That day the four princes had planned a match and they set out to the ground during noon time

The match begun and the four princes were divided into two teams,needless to say Laxman refused to leave his Ram bhaiya and hence the teams were Ram and Laxman vs Bharat and Shatrugan. The match begun and all four boys played enthusiastically but in the end Ram wantedly gave up so that Bharat and Shatrugan would win.Laxman was clearly upset he didn't want his Ram bhaiya to lose.

"This is not fair bhaiya you gave up for bharat bhaiya's sake, now we have lost", Laxman complained.

"What's there in it my Laxman,is a game more important than my brothers. Not just a game I would give up the whole world for Bharat", Ram said with a smile.

Bharat became teary eyed hearing this,"Bhaiya", he went and embraced Ram

"Shatrugan", Ram extended his one arm to shatrugan while the other held Bharat, and shatrugan happily joined the hug

Laxman was not happy at all for some reason ,he was hurt and it was visible in his eyes , he left the place silently.

By the time ram turned toward him Laxman managed to walk little away from the three

"Lax....",Ram stopped mid way when he saw his Laxman walking away the smile on Ram's face vanished immediately.

Bharat and Shartugan also saw laxman walking away as they freed themself from the hug.

"Bhaiya why is Laxman bhaiya walking away".

"I'm the reason my Laxman is upset that's why he is walking away"

"No Bharat our Laxman can never be upset over a simple game his love for us is too immense for that."

"I too know that bhaiya but why is he walking away without even saying anything to us."

"He didn't even give us a hug"
Shatrugan complained innocently

"He surely will give you a hug when he comes back" Ram replied caressing his face affectionately, "Now both of you leave to the palace I'll go and fetch laxman" said Ram.

"We will also come bhaiya" said Bharat.

"No Bharat its already time for lunch and matas would be waiting for us so you both should go."

Bharat nodded and he along with Shatrugan left for the palace.Ram then went to fetch his Lakhan lal, he knew exactly where he would have gone.

As expected Laxman was sitting under a tree near the banks of river sarayu this was his favourite spot ofcourse after his Ram bhaiya's room. Whenever angry or upset Laxman would come there this place had a strange soothing effect on him.

Just as he saw Laxman from behind a smile adorned the eldest Raghunandhan's moonlike face, as he approached Laxman there was a constant worry in Ram's mind, Laxman was not someone to be upset over a mere game but what had affected him that he abandoned his brothers and came to this spot. Ram kept repeating the events of the game in his mind and then suddenly all became clearer to him, he exactly knew the reason for his Laxman's behaviour and he knew how to solve it too.

Ram went towards Laxman and instead of talking to him he went and sat adjacent to Laxman faking a sad face. Laxman was upset for whatever reason only these two brothers knew but no matter what he can never see his Ram bhaiya upset.

As soon as he saw Ram's sad face he forgot about everything else and turned to face Ram.

"Bhaiya what happened?", Laxman's worry was evident in his voice "why to do look upset bhaiya."

"Because I'M UPSET" Ram replied still faking a sad face.

This increased Laxman's worry, he held on to Ram's hand and asked, "Bhaiya please tell me bhaiya what made you upset am I the reason I'm sorry bhaiya" Laxman continued innocently "I shouldn't have left without telling anyone I apologize for that please don't be upset bhaiya" by the time he finished Laxman had tears in his eyes and that was the limit Ram couldn't hold on anymore he hated those tears it hurt him deeply.

Ram pulled little laxman to his lap and embraced him tightly " no mere lal you are not the reason you can never make this bhaiya of yours upset" he kept on consoling Laxman keeping him in his tight embrace and caressing is head and face.After a while Laxman stopped crying and he looked into Ram's face with eyes full of love and Ram melted seeing his face.

"Why were you upset bhaiya" laxman asked again with all his innocence.

"That's because I upset one of my brothers for the sake of other two brothers" Ram replied sincerely holding laxman's face with both hands.

Laxman who was holding ram's hand shook his head immediately "No bhaiya you can never make anyone upset you only make everyone happy"

"Then why were you upset Laxman I know it's not the game"

"That's because bhaiya......" laxman stammered

Ram smiled at his little brother "I love all my brothers equally Laxman but mata always says even as a toddler I refused to eat or sleep without you and it remains the same even today and will be for rest of our lives"

Hearing this Laxman gave Ram the brightest smile he could ever manage and hugged him tightly, turns out that laxman was being possessive all this time and Ram knew his Lakhan very well. Seeing laxman smile like that made ram feel like he had won all the worlds.
"Seems like someone is in no mood to leave my lap" teased Ram.

"No" came the reply as laxman hugged him more tightly ram laughed and hugged him back happily caressing his face and placed a loving kiss over his head.

After a while they were walking back to the palace holding hands.

"Laxman though you don't care much I suggest from next game you play alongside bharat so that you win your next game" said Ram in a teasing tone

"I DON'T WANT TO WIN" Laxman said with a mock anger and held on to Ram's hand more possessively, Ram laughed heartily at his antics and ruffled his hair lovingly and then both the brothers walked to the palace where the replicas of these two were waiting.

Gurukul:a type of education system in ancient  India with  shishya  ('students' or 'disciples') living near or with the teacher in the same house.

Bhaiya: Brother

Mata: Mother

Raghunandhan: Brave man of the Raghu clan

Lakhan: Another name for Laxman

Lal: Beloved

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