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"T-This is the last one...Action" Richie throws a fake punch at me, we continue to do our scene.

"Good job Staniel." He helps me up. "Thanks. I'm ready to go home. I'm gonna make a cake. Wanna join?" "Sure. I'm gonna invite some people. Byeeeee." Of course. When he knows I might disagree he walks away.

*Later that night*
A loud knock startles me. Richie laughs loudly as Eddie starts to argue with him. "Fucking hell Richie...hi guys." In the back, Bill smiles.

"I have alcohol." Beverly giggles "We d-don't start filming until t-tomorrow afternoon so I-it's fine." I nod, letting everyone inside. "Does anyone wanna help me?" "I w-will. If t-that's okay." "Yeah."

Everyone starts to drink as we begin to put it in the oven. "You did well today." I sit on the counter. "Thanks. I can't wait until tomorrow." "Me too. How long have you known Richie?"

"Gosh. Is been so long." "Fourteen years." He walks into the kitchen. Sitting beside me. "And we dated for a year. But we don't talk about that." We all laugh. "How about you and Eddie?"

"Uh...Eddie?" "Huh?" "How long have we k-known each other?" "Five years." "Yeah. Dated for a year and a half." "Shit man I'm sorry." Bill shrugs, grabbing a spoon full of frosting.

"I want some." He grabs another spoon full, handing it to me. "You two will get cavities." "They'll be fine Eds. Don't worry about the two." "That's not my name."



C: hey Stanley?
S: yup. Hi Connor
C: how are you?
S: I'm doing well. I'm hanging out with some friends.
C: oh okay. I'll talk to you later
S: okay :)

"Stanley trust me. He's just gonna break your heart and career." " "C-Connor?" "Yeah. Apparently, people have quit their jobs for him, and haven't gotten them back." "It's t-true. I saw it, my old best f-friend lost his j-job because of him."

I sigh. Realizing it's most likely not a good idea to hang out with him. "The cake is done." Richie points at the oven. Bill takes it out, sticking a toothpick in it to make sure it's fully baked.

"Funfetti cake is the b-best." He smiles. "It really is." He stands in front of me.

Kissing me gently.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now