Blue Flame

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This chapter will be dedicated to jordanabananaindian and amarhogue  thankyou for your love and support.

Now we will call Tenko as Tomura.

The darkness.... Was slowly approaching.

My pawn was slowly forming

All Might, this will be my gift for you.

Just wait.


A child's crying could be heard. He was weak and hungry, People avoided the beggar like child, not lending any help even thought he approached them.

They feel disgusted. They must avoid this child.

The people turn blind eye and deaf about this. The hero will solve this for them. They thought

This is the society that AllMight, The number 1 hero created. A dependent bunch of thrashes who only depend to the heroes..

A society worth to reform.

A day past, become months, and become years until the child who was crying and approaching them was no longer there.

Because the hopes and dream that he felt when he escaped from that caged, vanish.

The child who escape his caged, the caged of his father. The creation and ambition to defeat AllMight, was free.... He was free from that caged but his hope was crushed when he realized that no one will help him.

This was the place he escape, and he no longer have the right to come back.

The child with red hair was punch with the truth. The weak will be killed, and the strong will rule.

He stole, and he was beaten. He was weak and hungry. He needs to fill this emptiness in him. He become someone who needs to survive everyday just to escape the cage his feet was chained.

His whole life was controlled. But now he was free, even though he was weak and hungry.

He just need to survived, but that day came. A person, appeared to his tiny weak life, and give him a chance to change the society.

The society who chain his father, to become a hero to others, but a monster to his family.

So he, the Blue Flame lend his strength to the person who lend a helping hand to him.

"Tomura Shigaraki."

A child like him, but was his path to slowly achieved that dream. The reformation.

"You will now be called Dabi.."

And that was the time.  Todoroki Touya was free and become Dabi.

A blue flame stronger than his Father's Fire.

A person who escaped his cage, and was given a path he wants.

That was the day he become someone who will be his right hand.

Tomura Shigaraki and a path to reformation. What a wonderful fate.

My Blue Flame will be your weapon, a weapon to our path, and a shield to your enemies. A blazing flame to the future.

This was the path I choose. And not the path my Father, Endeavor, chain me into.

A/n : i swap Chapter 13 Gathering Force with chapter 14: Blue flame, because i was mistaken! Im sorry

Wooot woow! We will now  reach 2k guys! So happy to know that many people also read this! We are also ranked! Thankyou for waiting for me! Hope you are all ok through this pandemic.

Don't forget to vote or comment! <3

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