Chapter 1

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The atmosphere in the club was thick. As though a cloud hung over the crowd. It was a non smoking club but the air looked as though purple vapor was floating throughout the dim lighting. As he made his way to the raised platform he would be using, he scanned the portion of the crowd he could see past his black hoodie, to see what kind of mix he would be catering to tonight. He notices a rectangular cage a few feet away from his platform and wondered what that was about. It's his first night in this particular club. He's done DJing before but that was in his hometown and he just recently transferred schools here, so he needed to find a local establishment he could work in. Luckily his reputation proceeded him, so he was able to quickly get this gig. He steps up onto the platform and raises his right hand, with the left hand he flips the controls and switches and the beat drops. The crowd loses it. They get extra hype. Suddenly the laser lights are up and his platform is illuminated and he is in his element. The next hour passes pretty quickly. He is pausing during a song to get a drink of water when the bartender who was bringing him to the bottle of water, he thinks he said his name was J-Hope, passes him a note. When he reads it he looks at Jhope perplexed "What the hell is this?". Leaning in so that he can be heard Jhope shrugs and says "Just play this song, and watch what happens". Frowning at the request he answers "But, this is old and it's slow". "Just play it". Reluctantly he waits until the current song is almost over, and preps this song to come next.

As soon as the strong bass note hits on the song lights come up on the cage across from his platform. Inside the cage is what can only be described as a blindfolded fallen angel. He is transfixed by the beauty before him, and the the angel starts moving and all coherent thought leaves his mind. The grace with which this person moves is so soft and sensual, yet elegant and aggressive at the same time. How is that possible. Who is this person to encompass such duality in just his movements. He can't even make out his face completely, just his full lips and an elegant jaw line. His eyes drift down the muscled thighs encased in tight black leather pants, back up to the soft looking blond locks that brushed across the blindfold. It's ironic the song he was dancing to was called the Question of You, because he had so many questions running through his mind. As he shook himself awake from his shocked super, he notices the crowd seem just as transfixed by the caged angel. He wonders if he stood there with his mouth hanging open like most of them were doing. Hearing that the song is about to end he cues up the next song to play so that there won't be a break in music. As soon as the new song plays the crowd goes back to being hype and the lights on the cage go off. Confused, he tries to see through the dim room, looking for the caged angel, but he appears to have disappeared. What. The. Fuck.

The remainder of his four hour DJing shift flies by and soon its 2 a.m. He leaves the platform and heads over to Jhope at the bar. "Hey man, thanks for keeping me hydrated all night". Jhope puts down the towel he was wiping the bar down with, and shakes the hand extended to him. "No problem DJ Suga, all in a night's work". Suga nods his head "Hey who was the guy in the cage earlier?" "What's the story behind that?" Jhope answers " Oh, yeah him. He's a regular." "He's here almost every night, dances one song he requested in the cage, and then he's gone. The crowd loves him!" "Hmm. And the owner just agrees to that?". " Yeah RM is pretty laid back about things. As long as it doesn't hurt the business or hurt people he's usually pretty open to trying out new stuff." "So you don't know the guys name then, huh?". Jhope smirks at Suga " Why? You interested?". Upon noticing the Savage expression on Suga's face "Just kidding dude. No, I don't know his name. I think he knows RM personally, but he doesn't mingle with us peasants". Suga nods again and silently leaves the club.

Walking out to his car he reflects back on the dancer who peaked his interest. If he comes every night he'll be sure to speak to him tomorrow night. He hates being curious about people, it takes up to much energy. Energy he could be using to work on his music. He doesn't need any distractions. He unlocks the doors to his black Ford Mustang Shelby GT500, his baby. His pride and joy. This is the first thing he bought with the royalties from his song writing and producing. He lovingly caresses the steering wheel before pushing the button to start the car. Putting the car in gear he speeds off into the night.

In the upstairs office of the club, RM pours himself a drink. There is a soft knock on his office door. "Come in". As the door opens he looks up with a smile "Ah Jimin, how was it tonight? I was on a business call so I missed your dance. Did the crowd lose it again?". "It was great Hyung, thank you so much for letting me do this again.". "Stop thanking me, we're family, anything I can do for you I will". "It's late do you want me to get a driver for you, to take you home?". "No thank you Hyung, I drove. I'll be fine". "Okay, but I'll at least have security walk you to your car, it's not safe this late at night". He picks up the phone on his desk and quickly makes the request to the person on the other end of the end. "They'll meet you at my personal entrance". Jimin walks around the desk and hugs RM goodbye "Thank you Hyung, see you in the morning." He promptly leaves the office and goes down the personal elevator to the private entrance where security is waiting to escort him to his car.

The song Jimin danced to:

****To Be Continued ****
Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into my new book. Please vote, comment and continue to read. Don't forget to follow me and share with your friends.
💜💜Borahae 💜💜

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