Penny quickly hit her com, "Will? is the robot in place?"

"Yup, Dr.Smith is fine as well. Let's go." Will responded.

Judy informed the Fortuna. She could see the entrance opening. Anxiousness was creeping up on her. She felt guilty that she was captain. There's no going back now.

"Wait...Hold up. Let's do it the Don way." Penny interrupted.

"Don way?" Vijay questioned. Ruby, Lenard and Aiden had questioning looks on their faces.

She hit her device. 

Way up way up we go, Been up and down that road (Burn the house down: AJR)

"Penny!" Judy exclaimed, letting out a laugh.

"What! We're lost but at least Don transferred some of his music to me!" Penny laughed. She thought 'WTH, just have fun'. Vijay smiled, he loved her smile. "Live a ittle 'doc'." Penny joked. Judy smiled at the memory.

"Just go with it!" Ruby said. "Let's ask the kids!"

Aiden held the speaker. "Hey guys, before we launch. Can u guys hear me? Can you show Cap how to have fun and sing along?" In  no time there was a bunch of kids singing along and having fun.

"Ok we're for a go. Strap in and have fun! We're all family now!" Judy stated happily. 

They flew the Jupiter into the Fortuna. This was the start of something new. 


"Open the intake valve! J2 is entering. Their captain is my daughter. I can't believe it. Maureen's got 2 other children." Grant Kelly was astounded. 24 hours ago he rid hope of ever leaving this place.

"Wow man. I'm so happy for you! Do you think they can get to Alpha Centauri? I think they have a whole story to tell us." Avery said, he knew that Grant wasn't that big in hope, but this had instilled it in him.

"You think she has a lover? I was 18 when I met Maureen." He was weirded out by this.

"Ok enough Dad Kelly! They're here I just closed the intake valve." Avery stated.

"Come on." He ran towards the J2 to introduce them. "Also tell James and Wally to find and clear accommodation we have around 20 two by two rooms." 

"OK, Let's go."


Judy ran to the exit while Aiden and Lenny went to comfort the children. "Penny? I'm sorry. I hope you understand. It was a not now, not never." Vijay said before he left.

She teared up a bit. Ruby came and hugged her. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't be like that! You'll get over it."

"Thanks Ruby! I just- I went to him and told him everything I felt and he gave a crappy excuse about-" Penny was letting out all her sadness, not just Vijay, her parents. She hasn't been without her Mum for longer than a week since the day she was born. "Doesn't it kill you about our parents?" Penny asked, wiping her tears.

"I do, a lot, but they risked like everything for us. I had an older brother. I never got to meet him. He was on there, the Fortuna. He also risked his life, more than once. He got stranded for 7 months and I never got one chance to go to him." Ruby was afraid to tell  Penny everything. Penny, being the girl she is, heard hesitation in Ruby's voice. "So, what about Vijay? You can tell me while we help with storing the food, or don't?"

"Sure, however if you want I wrote it all in a book, you can borrow it!" Penny offered. 

"Oooh Books are my thang?" Ruby joked, making penny turn towards her.

"Thang?" Penny questioned.


After her return, Maureen was cooped up in her room. Her mind was doing endless calculations, thought processes and more. It just doesn't make sense.

"Maureen?" John asked.

"John, Don told me about Adler. How?" Maureen registered his appearance and closed her work. She planted herself on her bed, leaning on the headrest. 

"I talked to Victor, he said there wasn't any remains on the trench on his journey back." John informed her, following her lead and sitting next to her on the bed. He sighed. What a long week this has been.

"Well the lightning was powerful, maybe the bones destructed." Maureen offered a resolution.

"No, it doesn't add up. Humans don't work like that. There was no ash either it  was just clean. Adler  could've been protected by scarecrow. The robots are quite big. He probably thinks that we're well on our  way to Alpha Centauri." John added to the conversation.

"Maybe, but that's not a priority. We need  to take a step back. Look we  still don't know the environment of 2 of the planets. John, we need to look at those. If there's any chance they have a more welcoming environment then that's where we need to be." Maureen argued looking at  John's facial features.

"I- Maureen scarecrow  fought the other robots, he went against his people. Why? Think about it, Adler may have a connection to a robot. If that's even a possibility we need to look at it." John was quite stern about this. "Adler supposedly gave his life for Will and the Robot. We have to!"

"Ok, but you're coming with me, so is Don, Ava and I hate to say this, Hastings. I know what you're going to say but look at the situation. Hastings knew of their existence before us, what does he actually know about them." Maureen instructed. The pain was all around her. Her kids were  gone. 

"That's a plan. Now, how do you actually feel, no lies?" John embraced her in a hug. These were long weeks ahead.


The J2 garage door was opening. Judy was anxious. Never in her wildest dreams was this remotely possible. 

Grant Kelly was even more anxious. His heart was plummeting out of his chest as he waited in an orderly manner next to a few of the other members of the Fortuna. Breathe, hold, exhale.

There was many unanswered questions in the air. The anticipation was doubling per second.

The answers you have are only as great as the questions you've asked (Rebecca Trotter)

And these were big questions indeed.


AN: Sorry for the delay in the chapter. My friends mother got cancer. Hope  you enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing. Don't be afraid to vote, comment or message  me. Who do you think Ruby's brother is? What do you think Grant Kelly is yearning to know? Will Vijay and Penny ever get together? Is Adler back from the dead? Does Aiden and Lenny  have a backstory? All valid questions for valid times. They will come at their own time. Enjoy. #StayhomeStaysafe. Thank you  Supergirl72  for voting. It's well appreciated.

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