"Yes," Sendak nodded, "it sends electrical signals through her spinal fluid to her limbs and organs. I don't know the ins and outs but that's the basics."

Hunks tried his best to contain his excitement, continuing on with sorting through wires and trying to find a place where they could get access into the mainframe. There was so much in those small ports, it was incredible.

"I think I found a way to get in!" He shouted, excitement in his voice.
It was small, and he'd need to disconnect a few wires in order to get access, but it was a way in.

"Just, be careful," Shiro warned, looking over at Sendak wearily who had grabbed onto Katie's hand gently and was thumbing over the back of it.

Hunk nodded, grabbing onto his tools and sliding on some magnifying goggles. He'd be working with tiny components, and caution was of the essence to make sure Katie wouldn't be harmed.

He quickly glanced over at Lance who was sitting in the corner, looking over the files.

He hadn't moved in hours, he couldn't. Lance needed to read and watch all of them. He needed to know everything that had happened to Katie while she was with the galra. Ironically, he hadn't even read or watched any of them yet. He was still trying to figure out which was the next one. It was all in galran.

"Would you like help, blue paladin?" Kolivan asked, noticing Lance's struggle.

Lance groaned, nodding and moving over so that Kolivan could get a look at the screen. The galra sat beside him, looking it over.

"These are all text files, these are audio, and these are video," Kolivan explained, pointing to the small symbols beside each of the files.
"I'm sure there's a way to translate the text files to a language you can understand."

Allura nodded, she was close by and listening.
"I'll see if I can find a translator within the system."

"Are you sure you wish to read those files, paladin?" Sendak huffed, "you seemed rather... shaken by the very first of them. I will warn you, they do not improve for a long while."

"That's all the more reason to go through every single one of them!" Lance snapped, "I want to help her!"

"She doesn't want it..." Sendak growled under his breath.
"Katie has found her home.."

"Her home is with us," Keith snarled, small fangs bared.
"She's a human, she should be with humans."

"You say that but it was you humans who drove her so far from you-" the galra started, only to be cut off by Hunk shooting up from his work.

"If you two are going to argue don't do it here! I need to concentrate!" The yellow paladin said firmly.

Sendak huffed but went obediently went silent, he'd listen to the human if it meant his Katie would be safe and okay.

Lance sighed, turning back to the file and grimacing at how it began.

"File 00002: subject has no pulse or signs of breathing."

She had been dead. She'd actually died. Lance took a deep breath, continuing on reading.

"Subjects spinal cord appears to be broken, further examination is needed to confirm. The druids are currently working on seeing if the subject is worth saving."

"Of course she's worth saving..." Lance mumbled to himself.

"Subject appears to still have brain activity, incisions will be made along the spine to see the extent of the damage. Paralyzation is guaranteed no matter the state as the spine is clearly broken."

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