3: The First Day of School

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"Here, these are your uniforms," she says as you release her. You take them and sigh.

"I'll shower first," you say crestfallen.

"Alright. See you tomorrow then," B/f says.

"Ciao." You walk out of her room and head for the bathroom. After taking a speedy shower and getting ready for bed, you set your alarm to wake you up in the morning. You close your eyes and start to drift off to sleep.

'Hopefully, tomorrow does go well...'

Everyone has that feeling when they know they have to do something, but they absolutely refuse to do anything about it due to their laziness or possibly fear. This was one of those instances for you, except in your case you had a horrible mixture of the two emotions. Your alarm had gone off some time ago, but you couldn't find the will or inspiration to actually get up, get ready, and walk out the door.

'Any minute now... I'll get up... any. minute...'

You repeat this sad mantra in your head for far too long and you start to doze off to sleep again when suddenly you hear your door swing open and footsteps approaching your bedside.

"Hey! I knew it! Get your ass up, you lazy bum! We are NOT going to be late today!" B/f yells yanking your blanket off of the bed. You instantly shrivel up in a ball, trying to find some sort of heat now that your source of warmth and comfort had been taken away from you.

"Please, just spare me a few more minutes... I'm just preparing myself for the long day to come," you mumble into your pillow.

"You're not dying! Get up!"

You ignore B/f and continue to just lay down, wondering why you decided not to lock your bedroom door before going to sleep.

"Fine. Let's do this the hard way..." She says with a sigh.

You feel a small pat on your head and suddenly you're teleported into the bathroom. You're met with a relentlessly cold tile floor and your body immediately wakes up. You gasp and stand up within a matter of seconds.

"Get ready. We're leaving soon!" B/f calls out to you from the outside of the bathroom door.

"That's cheating! You can't use your stand, you butt!" You yell, defeated. B/f doesn't respond and you sigh.

'I might as well just get ready now that I'm here.'

You start your morning routine and let your mind wander while you wash your face. 'Today shouldn't be so bad. Wasn't school fun at some point? Like in grade school? I mean... I have B/f with me. I've got Kakyoin and Jotaro now too, so going to school may just be a little bit enjoyable.'

You manage to brighten your mood as you finished in the bathroom and you walk out to your room to get dressed. The school uniform you were going to be wearing was very bland, and you were sort of upset you couldn't just wear your regular go-to clothes. Sighing with disappointment, you get dressed and walk out of your room to meet B/f, who was already ready and in the kitchen.

"I made some breakfast," B/f says setting a plate of food down in front of you. You sit down on a stool at the counter.

"Thank you," you say grateful for not having to put much more effort into this morning. B/f joins you on the stool next to yours and you both eat in peace. When you both finish eating, you take the plates to the sink to wash them. "That was delicious."

"Hmph, as per usual right?" B/f says with a chuckle. You smile and agree with her statement. Both of you would take turns cooking, but since you weren't a morning person, B/f took that shift to cook. "We should probably head out now. We don't want to be scolded a second time," she says looking at the clock on the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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