2: Planners and Sumo 

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"I'll see you tomorrow," you say feeling giddy.

"Don't be late," he says back with a smirk.

"Goodnight... Armadillo."

"Goodnight, Starfish."

"Hey! Not that name! Chose a different one!"

Jotaro chuckles deeply and walks down the stairs. You watch until he turns the corner so he's no longer visible, and with that, you go back inside the apartment.

"We both get our own rooms?" B/f asks as you close the door.

"Yeah, I figured you'd want your own when you came back," you answer as you turn around and walk further into the room.

"What about my room?" Iggy asks.

"This whole house is your room, you can sleep anywhere and everywhere my guy," you say patting his head.

'We might need to install a doggy door for Iggy. I don't want him trapped inside the apartment all day long while we're at school.'

"We should start cleaning this place up. It's messy," B/f says as she touches the surface of the table and shows you her now dirtied finger.

"Now?" You ask not really wanting to do anything.

"Well you're not gonna wanna do it later," B/f says catching on to your shenanigans. You sigh with defeat and you both start to clean up the apartment. Iggy just relaxed on the couch and watched as you guys did your thing.

"Are you guys almost done? I'm bored," he says turning over on his back.

"You can help ya know," you say as you finish wiping down the kitchen counter.

"I'm a dog. What do you want me to do?" He says not interested in helping in the slightest.

"So you can defeat an unbelievably strong vampire but not help pick up some trash?" B/f asks with a hand on her hip.

"Yeah, you're right. Fighting DIO is much more amusing than cleaning," Iggy jokes sarcastically. You laugh and B/f tosses a rag at Iggy from where she was standing.

"It's fine, it looks like we're finished anyway," you say looking around. It looked just as new as when you first bought the apartment.

"Alright, so now what?" B/f says plopping herself down on the couch. Iggy crawls on her lap and you join them in the living room.

"Well, we can go to sleep like responsible people," you suggest.

"Or?" B/f asks with a suggestive smile.

"Or, there's a convince store not too far from here and we can buy loads of snacks and try to figure out how the TV works," you say back with a wicked grin. "Just like old times."

"Huh? But didn't we just have dinner?" Iggy asks.

"And?" B/f says with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"And that means I'm up for round two, let's go," Iggy says hoping off the couch and heading towards the door.

"Seems like the three of us are going to get along and live together just fine."

You wake up to the sun shining on your face. Your eyes squint open and you look around the very bright room. Iggy and B/f were still asleep next to you on the couch. You sit up and the sound of wrappers and cans ring in your ears as you wipe the little crusties from your eyes.

'Ah, geez, we made another mess...'

You lazily get up from the couch and go to the bathroom. You splash your face with water and after thoroughly drying yourself, you head back out to the kitchen and drink some water from the filtered water tap.

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