Chapter Thirty Six- The Dragon Master

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I sent in Sneasel to deal with the Dragonite. Dragonite was a giant bipedal beast with orange scales and a horn sticking out of its head. It had two wings sticking out of its back and was an infamously strong Pokémon.

Sneasel lightly warmed itself up by jumping from foot to foot and I figured it was time we started the battle. "Use Ice Shard!"

"Block it!" Lance shouted. Dragonite's large arms absorbed the small ice attacks with ease. "Now use Dragon Pulse!" Dragonite fired a purple projectile in the shape of a dragon at my Pokémon.

Sneasel jumped high entire the air and easily evaded the attack. "Now use Double Team and get in close!" Sneasel made multiple false copies of himself and they all landed on the ground.

The copies ran towards Dragonite at an astonishing pace. Lance made a fist with his hand. "Use Fire Punch and cut them down until you find the real one!"

Lance's Dragonite began swinging a flaming fist around, striking any Sneasel it could reach. Dragonite cut through one after another but couldn't seem to find the real one.

I started grinning. "Use Ice Punch!" Sneasel leaped out of the crowd and landed a direct hit on Dragonite's chest. Sneasel backed away and I was sure it was over but Dragonite was still standing.

Lance shook his head. "We won't be brought down so easily. Use Surf!" Dragonite suddenly conjured a wave of water in front of it that crashed into Sneasel.

Sneasel was thrown into the air and I realized just how much strength Dragonite had left. "Fire Punch!" Dragonite took to the skies and started flying over to my Sneasel.

"Block it with Night Slash!" I shouted. Sneasel shoved a purple blade between it and Dragonite's flaming fist. Sneasel barely managed to stop the attack and land on the ground safely. "Ice Shard!"

Sneasel got off a bit more damage with his ice attack but it still seemed to only be doing so much. "Run in!"

Lance didn't seem amused by our head-on tactic. "That will only do so much! Dragonite use Fire Punch!" Dragonite prepared to strike Sneasel and I saw our opening.

"Coat the ground in ice and slide right under his legs like your old home! Then use Ice Punch!" Sneasel used Ice Shard on the ground and dove to the ground, going right between Dragonite's legs and missing its fist entirely.

Sneasel hopped back to his feet and prepared to strike Dragonite from behind. Lance shook his head. "Dragonite turn around and use Dragon Pulse."

My eyes widened. Is he really going to use that move in such close quarters? I barely had time to process the draconian move exploding where the two Pokémon once stood.

The smoke cleared and to my dismay, Dragonite stood tall with Sneasel defeated. I returned him and looked down at my final Pokémon. Heracross.

Heracross stood tall and stomped onto the battlefield. It stared down Dragonite and got into a fighting stance. "This is it, buddy! Let's win for Electabuzz and everyone else!"

"Use Fire Punch!" Lance suddenly snapped back into battle mode. Dragonite took to the sky and started flying for Heracross.

Dragonite was fast and bulky, we would have to be strategic about our battle from here. "Bulk Up and block the hit!" Heracross put his arms up and energy swelled around him.

Dragonite punched Heracross but the blow bounced right off. "Brick Break!" Heracross immediately switched from defensive to offensive and hit Dragonite on the stomach.

Dragonite flew back to the center of the stage and Lance began thinking of a new approach. "Use Surf!" Dragonite conjured up another wave of water and sent it Heracross's way.

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