Chapter Ten: Adventures in Goldenrod

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By the time we reached the entrance to Goldenrod City, the sun had dipped below the trees.

The temperature had dropped to be colder than last night and I was really glad we were going to be spending the night in a city.

We walked into the mostly empty streets of Goldenrod and beelined for the Pokémon Center so we could get some rest.

Silver got us a room while I had our Pokémon's health restored. We met up and walked through the halls of the center to where we would be staying.

The room was a fairly simple but nice place to rest with two beds, a bathroom, and some amenities. Silver and I were too exhausted to talk much so I sent out Wooper and climbed into my bed.

I wasn't able to stay awake for very long though, and I quickly drifted off into a blissful sleep. Silver, meanwhile, called his mom and talked to her a bit before going to bed.

While we rested, images of what had happened in the Slowpoke Well resurfaced in my mind. The strange substance taking over my Pokémon and anything else it touched.

Despite traveling through different dream worlds throughout the night I kept being confronted with the image of the corruption. It seemed completely unnatural, almost unreal.

I was far too young during the MissingNo attacks to remember them but from what I had heard it was a dire situation that tested the will and resolve of the Champion.

I read about the stories online and in books growing up. But I had always thought of it all as ancient history. Something the great hero had done to complete his rise to stardom. The thought of it not being over was worrisome.

As the sun bled through the curtains of the room Silver and I woke up and got ready to leave.

I enjoyed a wonderful shower and put on the change of clothes my mom had packed for me. A zip-up red hoodie and long black pants. These will probably be way better for the weather right now anyway. I told myself.

Once Silver and I were ready to go I realized Wooper was still asleep on my bed and I returned him to his spherical home so I wouldn't have to wake him.

"Man, that Wooper can sleep." Silver mused.

We walked out of the room and started down the hall. "For sure!" I agreed. "He'd probably like to sleep all day. But I can always count on Wooper when I need him."

The two of us returned the key and then stepped outside to take in the city in its glory. The golden bricks laid on the ground reflected the sunlight and shone beautifully.

The Department Store towered over the town and the many smaller buildings that made up the city. The monorail station and tracks were elevated and the train was currently departing for Saffron City.

Not too far from us, the Radio Tower was broadcasting its shows to all of Johto. It went even higher up than the Department Store and was the single highest tower in Johto.

Many people were out and about, going to the casino or to various businesses. I noticed the gym was sitting toward the end of the town next to the Flower Shop and set my sights for it.

Silver followed where I was looking and understood. "Hey Gold, before we take on the gym we should check out the Department Store! They've got all kinds of cool stuff there!" Silver told me. I wanted to take on the gym immediately but I decided that it could wait.

Silver and I walked into the crowded store and made our way to the second floor to take a look at some of the products they had.

We both stocked up on Potions and Poké Balls with the money we had made from battling the many trainers in our way so far.

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