"Uhm. Prince Milliardo and Prince Luz."

"Oh. The masked men."

Kristoff cackled at the name you've given them. Then Anna came in.

"(Y/n)! Congratulations!!" she exclaimed. "I knew you would pull through."

She went to you and hugged you while you glanced at the pouting Kristoff. He was jealous alright.

"Ehem. We don't need to be this close right?" you said as you pulled away from her.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Just because. Anyway, Kristoff's up next so you better give him some pep talk since his opponents look strong. I'm going to get some fresh air."

You walked out the room and left them. As you were walking, you bumped into the blonde man, Milliardo.

"I'm sorry M'lady." he bowed at you.

"No. No. That's fine."

"You are quite skillful in battle. I admire that. You would be a great asset in the military if you'd apply."

"Haha. I'm not interested though. Anyway, you were that one who was good in machineries right? What made you join the competition?" you asked.

"I wish to use this chance to make an ally of Arendelle. I have heard about the powers of its queen. Together with our machines, we could make new discoveries and improve the lives of many."

"If that's the case, you don't have to marry Anna."

"Anna? Not Princess Anna? You seem to be close to her."

"Yes I am. In fact, I could arrange an appointment with the queen. You could talk to her about your plans. In one condition of course. You see, Kristoff is Anna's lover. If you would help him, that would score you an approval point from them."

"I see. I'll think about it then."


The next battles have come. Milliardo fought Luz and won, then surrendered making Kristoff the winner. You told Elsa that you had a deal with him and she agreed to meet up.

The last match ended with Prince Jack's win. You had no idea he was that competitive. Maybe he really did love Anna so much huh.

"These three will move on to the next round of the competition. We will be announcing the rules soon so please stay tuned." the announcer said.

You decided to rest in your room but was surprised when Anna was waiting for you outside.

"Hi (Y/n). Uhm."

She talked shyly. It was so rare to see her like this. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and bit her lips before looking at you.

"What is it Anna? I want to rest." you said.

"Good luck. I know we talked about how you would lose and help Kristoff win but..."


"Don't hurt yourself okay? I'd be mad at you if you do."

"Yes ma'am. I promise."

"Uhm also, the other night. The k..ki..ki.."

"The kiss? Don't think too much about it. It was nothing. We're both girls anyway."


"Why do you suddenly look sad?" you asked.

"I'm not, okay. Have a good night then."

"Anna, wait." you grabbed her hand to stop her from walking away.

"What is-"

You didn't let her finish talking. You pulled her from the waist and kissed her lips. Her eyes widened at first but softened later on. Then you feel her kiss you back. Her lips tasted so sweet. Was she eating chocolates again? The thought made you smile. She pulled away and punched your shoulders playfully.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked.

"Nothing. You're so cute.".


"Are you blushing?"

"No, I'm not. Why would I blush." she said. "But... sleep in my room again. We have a lot to talk about."

You nodded and went with her. Unknown to the two of you though, Kristoff saw you kiss. He hid behind the wall on the corner. He doesn't know what he should be feeling. His emotions were mixed. He felt the anger, the sadness, the fear. He went for his own room with a heavy heart.


Sorry this took so long.. ( ╹▽╹ )

I feel like the story sucked. I wanted to delete this actually but since somebody asked to continue...

I'mma see if more people would be interested.. (◔‿◔)

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