Chapter 17

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I wake up in the night to a sound. I bolt up in the bed and look around the room.

I don't know if the sound was in my head or real but either way, I'm pretty terrified.

I clench onto the blanket as I sit in silence, still staring around the dark room.

I lean to the bedside table and switch on the light. I sigh in relief as the room becomes brightly lit instead of gloomily dark.

As I go back to sitting straight in posture I hear a bang which sounds like something hitting wood.
I flinch at the sound.

The cabin is wood, is someone trying to get in?
No Britain, you're just scared because of the stupid movie.
But it was scary because it could actually happen...

Come on Britain, you used to be the one that scared everyone else for goodness sake.
Then I got weak... and people started getting their small revenge on me because...... I'm a horrible country. Or was... but nobody seemed to care for my change. I don't blame them. Forgiving someone can be a hard thing to do...

But that gives even more reason for someone to try and get to me and do, I don't know what.
Well, thanks to the movie the first thing I think is murder but... I don't wanna think about that.

Another bang.

I clench harder onto the blanket.

Think logical, Britain.
You're completely safe, you just don't feel safe.
What makes you feel safe?

I let out a sigh as I think of the answer to that question.


I slowly crawl to the edge of the bed. I take a deep breath before quickly swinging my legs off the bed and standing straight up, clenching both my hands together freezing on the spot as I look around once more.

I'll take the fact that nothing grabbed my leg from under the bed as a sign that it is safe.

I cautiously make my way to the bedroom door. I hesitate at grabbing the handle.

I'm a full grown man... too scared to do anything right now...

"You coward..." I mutter under my breath.

Can't do it... too scared.

I was about to head back to the bed when the bedside light turned off without warning and the room plunged back into darkness.

I let out a small scared yelp before swiftly opening the bedroom door and shutting it quickly behind me before speed walking even faster over to Soviets bedroom door, repeating every single curse word I know in my head as I do so.

I open Soviets door flipping on the light switch on the wall for the room as I enter and promptly shut the door holding it in place waiting to see if anything followed. Even though I have no idea if there is anything I'm just too paranoid right now.

I let out a long sigh as no noise can be heard.


I jump at Soviets voice turning around to face him.

I instantly calm down as I see him, already feeling more safer with someone else being present.

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